Book Review:  The Little Swiss Ski Chalet (Romantic Escapes #7) by Julie Caplin @JulieCaplin @rararesources 

The Little Swiss Ski Chalet
(Romantic Escapes #7)
by Julie Caplin

Amazon  / B&NGP

It’s time to pack your bags and head to the breathtaking, snow-covered peaks of the Swiss Alps for velvety hot chocolates, delicious cheeses, and a gorgeous love story…

Food technician Minna has always believed that chocolate will solve everything – and it’s just what she needs when her latest relationship mishap goes viral!

So with her bags packed and a new determination to sort her life out, Minna decides to drown her sorrows with the best hot chocolate in the world at her godmother’s cozy Swiss chalet.

Chocolate: yes. Romance: no. Until she has a run-in on an Alpine train with a mysterious but oh-so-gorgeous stranger…

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


No one would have described the woman as softly-spoken; her words boomed out like a foghorn with the volume turned to max.


There was a coach tour of Japanese people ahead of them, who were buying chocolate like it was going out of style, with huge smiles on their faces, and they weren’t alone: everyone seemed to have shopping baskets piled high. It was like a horde of locusts whipping through, as if this was the last chocolate on the planet, but the thing that struck Mina was that everyone was smiling… It was the simplest equation. Chocolate = happiness. The whole shop was filled with joy.


‘… if you don’t want me to kiss you…’ His eyes flashing with sincerity moved over her face with a desperate urgency. ‘Speak now or forever hold your peace.’ ‘Who needs peace?’

My Review:


All aboard the cheese and chocolate train!

This book should come with a warning label as it has done irreparable harm to my diet with constant mention of the most delectable coronary causing meals heavily laden with heart-stopping and calorie-rich ingredients such as cheese, and deathly delicious chocolate. The characters had a shared passion and ungodly talent for food and cooking. I lost track of how many trips I made to the snack cabinet hoping to find a few lost Hershey’s kisses or some other wayward remnant of forbidden holiday treats. The slowly evolving storylines were relatable and entertaining with amusing observations, a Swiss travelogue, and unique character personalities written with an international flair. My personal favorite was Amelie, I simply adored her.

About the Author

Julie Caplin, formerly a PR director, swanned around Europe for many years taking top food and drink writers on press trips (junkets) sampling the gastronomic delights of various cities in Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Copenhagen, and Switzerland. It was a tough job but someone had to do it.

These trips have provided the inspiration and settings for her Romantic Escapes series which have been translated into fifteen different languages.

The first book in the seven-strong series, The Little Café in Copenhagen, was shortlisted for a Romantic Novel of the Year Award.

Social Media Links –

@JulieCaplin Twitter

Instagram @juliecaplinauthor

6 Replies to “Book Review:  The Little Swiss Ski Chalet (Romantic Escapes #7) by Julie Caplin @JulieCaplin @rararesources ”

  1. I love this review. Not sure my diet would thank me for reading The Little Swiss Ski Chalet.

  2. chocolate = happiness for sure!!! and having read both yours and Finitha’s review of the book, now my hungry self wants to read it too

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