Book Review: Summer at the Lakeside Resort (Lakeside Resort Book #2) by Susan Schild

Summer at the Lakeside Resort

(Lakeside Resort Book #2)

by Susan Schild 


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My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


I think I’ll go slather myself with Ben Gay so my muscles won’t freeze up on me like the tin man.


Australians had been credited with inventing the black box flight recorder, the cochlear implant, and the electronic pacemaker. She groaned internally as she read on. Son of a biscuit. They’d also invented box wine. That was genius.


I hope you remember the girl you were, the one who rode bikes fearlessly, got dirty, and didn’t give a fig about how you looked.


“My legs and arms are white as rice, and I still have my winter weight.” Her thighs reminded her of rice pudding.


When she got back to their campsite, Charlotte was outside frying bacon on an electric skillet. Jenny sniffed. “Someone should make a perfume that smells like that.” “Men and dogs would just follow you around,” Charlotte said.


My Review:


Jenny was highly focused and working hard to get her resort fully operational but being a one-woman operation, she was anxious about balancing her money, time, and energy and was grateful to have her new love for support – but did she? Luke was called away on business to Australia and highly distracted by his new project during the rare phone connections. Luke was a kind and gentle man but he wasn’t much for discussing feelings and seemed to be as attentive and romantic as a frozen fish stick.

After reading several taut thrillers, I enjoyed the leisurely pace, real-world issues, subtle levity, rustic feel, and down-home flavors such as the name of the general store – Gus’s Gas-N-Git -, which was, smirk-worthy.   While slow in pace, the storylines were easy to follow, realistic, wryly written, and chaste enough for my elderly mother’s church ladies’ book club, which is indeed a rare find on my reading list.  😉

About the Author


Susan Schild writes heartwarming and funny novels about women over 40 having adventures. falling in love, and finding their happily ever afters.

Susan is a wife and a stepmother who enjoys weekend getaways with friends, reading fiction, and rummaging through thrift stores and antique stores for treasures like four dollar cashmere sweaters and amateur watercolor paintings. A dog lover, Susan is especially fond of Lab mix rescue dogs.

With a professional background as a psychotherapist and a management consultant, Susan has used her professional background to add authenticity to her characters.

Susan and her family live in North Carolina where she is busy writing her next novel.

7 Replies to “Book Review: Summer at the Lakeside Resort (Lakeside Resort Book #2) by Susan Schild”

  1. Chaste story and you? No burning of sheets? My my earth has changed on its axis. 😂😂
    Taut thrillers? Which ones?
    Lovely clean review 😍

  2. Love this review! I’m very curious about this book and I have heard of Susan Schild before, so I’m happy to read this review, because it gives me the courage to try out her stories.

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