Book Review: Just One Kiss (Oh Tequila #4) by C.A. Harms

Just One Kiss

(Oh Tequila #4)

by C.A. Harms


  What do you get when you mix Tequila with a house full of rowdy Fraternity brothers who have no boundaries? A cucumber, a pink thong, and a bottle of lube. Oh yeah, and super glue. There is always super glue… 
Parties, drinking, and plenty of mornings where you can’t remember what you did the night before…that was my life.Yet, there was one memory that lingered in my mind. Ten minutes in the woods with Palmer that got too intense to ignore.

But ten minutes with her wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.

She’s a force, one that swept in unexpectantly, knocked me on my ass and left me with an intense craving. Palmer tried to fight it with every fiber in her being, but I could see the desire in her eyes. That curiosity that lived inside of her, wondering what it would be like if she just gave in…again.

I had to convince her that our time together wasn’t a mistake. That she wants me as much as I want her. We share a connection, a bond, that has changed me in ways I never expected. She saved me. And to think…

It all started with Just One Kiss.


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


You confuse the hell out of me, and if I attempted to figure you out, half the time I would walk away with a migraine.

 Seconds, that’s all it would have taken between life and death.

 Please, Corbin, don’t be this version of you.


My Review:


Revenge pranks take on a whole new level with this unwieldy crew.   I was totally unprepared for Corbin, who was a major player and rather clownish, to have such a sweet and tender heart. His downward spiral was heartbreaking yet Ms. Harms kept the tone well-balanced with her own special blend of raucous levity, sensuality, and earthy observations. The feisty characters were endearing and enticing, the storylines were lively and well constructed, and the writing was magnetic, captivating, and hard to put down. Narrated in my favorite dual POV, Ms. Harms cleverly tapped all the feels more than once and kept me smirking with her playful smart-assery.

About The Author


I am an Illinois girl, born and raised. Simple and true. I love the little things; they truly mean the most. I may have a slight addiction to my new Keurig—oh my, that thing is a godsend. And so fast too. I have two children who truly are the greatest part of my days, and their faces never fail to put a smile on my face. I have been married to my best friend for seventeen years, and looking forward to many more.

I am one of those authors that adore my readers. I love to hear from you. After all, it is because of each one of you that I continue to write.



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4 Replies to “Book Review: Just One Kiss (Oh Tequila #4) by C.A. Harms”

  1. Oh my darlin, I need both a kiss and tequila… Both go on my birthday list…
    Your reviews make me smile at the beautiful way you write them.
    You smirked – Book is a hit yayyy

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