Lil’s Bus Trip
by Judy Leigh
It’s always a good time for a road trip…
When 82-year-old Lil decides to book herself, her 65-year-old daughter, Cassie, and her friend Maggie on a bus trip across Europe, she hopes for a little adventure to counteract the monotony of life in sheltered accommodation.
Along with three members of the Salterley Tennis Club and the Jolly Weaver five-a-side football team, whose ideas of a good time are rather different to Lil’s and strikingly at odds with each other’s, the merry band of travelers set out on their great adventure.
From moving moments on the beaches of Normandy, outrageous adventures in Amsterdam, to the beauty of Bruges and gastronomic delights of France, the holiday is just the tonic Lil, Maggie and Cassie needed.
And as the time approaches for them to head home, Lil makes an unexpected discovery – even in her advancing years, men are like buses – there isn’t one for ages then two come along at once. Is Lil ready to share her golden years, and can the ladies embrace the fresh starts that the trip has given them? Or is it just too late to change…
My Rating:
Favorite Quotes:
Denise wrinkled her nose. ‘This is hardly a booze cruise, Cassie. I think it’s a mistake to imply that it is. While we’re enjoying the cultural richness of each place we visit, our interest in the alcohol is purely intellectual.’ She held up her beer, then took a deep draught. Her glass was almost empty.
Lil caught her breath. ‘Maggie, we’re in the middle of the red-light area.’ Maggie stopped and stared at her friend. ‘Oh, no – should we go back?’ ‘Why ever would we do that?’ ‘Someone might proposition us.’ Maggie was aghast with fear. Lil laughed. ‘I’m eighty-two and you’re only a few years younger, Maggie. We’d have more chance of being propositioned if we paid the clients.’
‘Fifty euros for fifteen minutes?’ Maggie marvelled. ‘And I’ve done it for nothing all my married life.’
Lil pressed her lips together, trying not to burst out laughing. It was most entertaining, the way others’ secret lives and liaisons were unfolding on this trip. Lil was enjoying it almost as much as her romance novels.
My Review:
What fun! Every time I pick up a book by this clever wordsmith I find a new favorite octogenarian. I want to be just like her Lil when I grow up, she is eighty-two years young and proudly and unapologetically reads “bonking books,” performs random acts of kindness, is up for all types of shenanigans, and flirts outrageously every morning with the much younger tattooed man who owns her favorite breakfast eatery.
The writing was well-honed and shrewdly paced with original and engaging storylines that were relatable and entertaining while packed with wry smirk-worthy humor. The book featured an interesting cast of oddly beguiling characters of various ages and walks of life from common to snooty while traveling together on a coach tour of Europe.
I adore and revere this author’s skills as she covers all the feels with smart observations and keen perceptions while keeping a smile on my face during the vast majority of my perusal. Plus, she had me Googling a giggle-snort-worthy exchange between the elderly ladies involving a “posing pouch.”
Judy Leigh is the bestselling author of A Grand Old Time and The Age of Misadventure and the doyenne of the ‘it’s never too late’ genre of women’s fiction. She has lived all over the UK from Liverpool to Cornwall, but currently resides in Somerset.
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