Title: Lone Star Blues
Author: Delores Fossen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 17th, 2018
Publisher: HQN
Series: Wrangler’s Creek
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Wrangler’s Creek’s most eligible bad boy has just become its most eligible single dad.
Dylan Granger could always count on his rebellious-cowboy charm to get his way—until the day his wife, Jordan, left him and joined the military. The realization that during a wild night he got her cousin pregnant is shocking enough. But the news that Jordan has come home to Texas to help raise the baby is the last thing he expects.
Raising a baby with Dylan in Wrangler’s Creek is a life Jordan might’ve had years ago, but she doesn’t want regrets. She wants what’s best for the child—and to find out if there’s something deeper between her and her ex than blazing-hot chemistry. Getting closer means letting down her guard to Dylan again, but will he be able to accept the emotional scars on her heart?
My Rating:
Favorite Quotes:
Tiffany Kelly, a cocktail waitress at the Longhorn Bar, had indeed started a bingo game that involved sex categories— specifically sex categories with Dylan— and she had distributed variations of the cards to women around town… Apparently, once a woman had her card filled, Tiffany would give them a drink on the house. So far, there’d been four winners. Okay, there were five, but one of them had cheated.
Walter Ray probably didn’t know that most folks called him dick-nose, and it was a well-earned moniker. It was one of those noses that made you stare and wonder why the heck he hadn’t run to a plastic surgeon.
Had this been any other person, Jordan could have argued that sex didn’t just happen, but this was a woman who’d stolen flip-flops and Twizzlers. Adele’s life had seemingly been a string of things that’d “just happened” or else really stupid things that she’d planned.
Her arrest record reads like stuff a stand-up comic would use. Did you know she once got arrested for peeing on a CEO’s car? She was protesting the way he treated his employees.”
He peed in the gas tank of Mildred Wheeler’s Toyota after she fussed at him for being drunk in public. Then, he peed on those feral chickens that are out by Police Chief McKinnon’s house when somebody bet him that he couldn’t do it. One of the chickens got mad, jumped on his wiener and spurred him. He needed stitches.
My Review:
I smirked my way through this delightfully amusing and skillfully crafted tale. I adore Delores Fossen’s wickedly observant and clever wit. Her books are highly engaging and provide delectable entertainment. I could read her work every day and never tire of her enticing yet uniquely flawed and endearing characters. I enjoy and greatly anticipate her easy to follow and breezy writing style with comedic descriptions and strong visuals that succinctly and simultaneously define her quirky characters’ appearance and behavior with her own brand of vividly colorful and entertaining flair. Reading her books feels like a fun and indulgent vacation and I always feel a bit rueful at having to return to the real world once I’ve finished.
Copyright© 2018 Lone Star Blues
Delores Fossen
Downing some more coffee, Dylan headed off the porch and toward the large detached garage for another vehicle. However, before he could even make it there, he saw something sparkly on the stone path. A silver purse that was smaller and flatter than the palm of his hand. It had some chew marks on it and was wet, possibly from dog slobber.
Since this likely belonged to the naked woman, he opened it to see if he could find her ID. And there it was—her driver’s license along with a credit card and some lipstick. There was also one of those stupid Dylan Granger Sex Bingo cards folded up inside.
Thankfully, it was blank.
He pulled out the license and looked at her birth date first. She was twenty-six. Way too young for him but at least she was legal. Then he read the name, and his stomach went to his ankles. Because it was Misty Turley, the same last name as the judge who was pissed at him. And with the way his morning was going, Dylan seriously doubted that was a coincidence. No, this was likely another of his daughters. One younger than Melanie.
Maybe he could send Walter Ray a whole case of scotch.
Dylan didn’t know exactly how many daughters the judge actually had. Walter Ray had gotten divorced years ago, and when his ex-wife had moved away, the girls only visited Wrangler’s Creek every now and then. Or at least that had been the case until Melanie had moved back after she’d finished college.
He picked up the purse so he could take it back inside and add it to the pile of clothes. Since the identity of the naked woman was bad news number five, that had to mean he was good to go at least for the rest of the day.
Or not.
Dylan heard the sound of an engine right before he saw the cop car pull up in front of the house. It wasn’t the local cops, either. The cruiser had San Antonio Police on the door.
A tall, lanky man in uniform stepped out. “I’m looking for Dylan Granger,” he said, and he flashed his badge.
Hell. What now? Had Walter Ray sent someone to look for his daughter?
“I’m Dylan Granger.” He tucked the purse in his back pocket and walked toward the cop. “Is there a problem?”
The cop didn’t answer. He just motioned to someone inside the cruiser, and a moment later, a gray-haired woman stepped out. She wasn’t alone. She was gripping the hand of a little boy who couldn’t have been more than two or three years old.
Dylan silently repeated that—hell, what now?
“You need to sign for him,” the woman said. She had some papers in her left hand, and she started toward Dylan, pulling the little boy with her.
Dylan shook his head. “Why do I need to sign? And who is he?”
The woman smiled as if there was something to smile about. “Well, Mr. Granger, according to this paper, this precious little boy is your son.”
About Delores Fossen: 
USA Today bestselling author, Delores Fossen, is an Air Force veteran who has sold over 100 novels. She’s received the Booksellers’ Best Award for romantic suspense, the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award and was a finalist for the prestigious Rita ®. Her books have been featured in Woman’s Day and Woman’s World. In addition, she’s had nearly a hundred short stories and articles published in national magazines.
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