Book Review, Giveaway: Lone Star Blues by Delores Fossen

Title: Lone Star Blues

Author: Delores Fossen

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: April 17th, 2018

Publisher: HQN

Series: Wrangler’s Creek


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Wrangler’s Creek’s most eligible bad boy has just become its most eligible single dad.

Dylan Granger could always count on his rebellious-cowboy charm to get his way—until the day his wife, Jordan, left him and joined the military. The realization that during a wild night he got her cousin pregnant is shocking enough. But the news that Jordan has come home to Texas to help raise the baby is the last thing he expects.

Raising a baby with Dylan in Wrangler’s Creek is a life Jordan might’ve had years ago, but she doesn’t want regrets. She wants what’s best for the child—and to find out if there’s something deeper between her and her ex than blazing-hot chemistry. Getting closer means letting down her guard to Dylan again, but will he be able to accept the emotional scars on her heart?

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Tiffany Kelly, a cocktail waitress at the Longhorn Bar, had indeed started a bingo game that involved sex categories— specifically sex categories with Dylan— and she had distributed variations of the cards to women around town… Apparently, once a woman had her card filled, Tiffany would give them a drink on the house. So far, there’d been four winners. Okay, there were five, but one of them had cheated.


Walter Ray probably didn’t know that most folks called him dick-nose, and it was a well-earned moniker. It was one of those noses that made you stare and wonder why the heck he hadn’t run to a plastic surgeon.


Had this been any other person, Jordan could have argued that sex didn’t just happen, but this was a woman who’d stolen flip-flops and Twizzlers. Adele’s life had seemingly been a string of things that’d “just happened” or else really stupid things that she’d planned.


Her arrest record reads like stuff a stand-up comic would use. Did you know she once got arrested for peeing on a CEO’s car? She was protesting the way he treated his employees.”


He peed in the gas tank of Mildred Wheeler’s Toyota after she fussed at him for being drunk in public. Then, he peed on those feral chickens that are out by Police Chief McKinnon’s house when somebody bet him that he couldn’t do it. One of the chickens got mad, jumped on his wiener and spurred him. He needed stitches.


 My Review:


I smirked my way through this delightfully amusing and skillfully crafted tale. I adore Delores Fossen’s wickedly observant and clever wit. Her books are highly engaging and provide delectable entertainment. I could read her work every day and never tire of her enticing yet uniquely flawed and endearing characters. I enjoy and greatly anticipate her easy to follow and breezy writing style with comedic descriptions and strong visuals that succinctly and simultaneously define her quirky characters’ appearance and behavior with her own brand of vividly colorful and entertaining flair. Reading her books feels like a fun and indulgent vacation and I always feel a bit rueful at having to return to the real world once I’ve finished.


Copyright© 2018 Lone Star Blues

Delores Fossen

Downing some more coffee, Dylan headed off the porch and toward the large detached garage for another vehicle. However, before he could even make it there, he saw something sparkly on the stone path. A silver purse that was smaller and flatter than the palm of his hand. It had some chew marks on it and was wet, possibly from dog slobber.

Since this likely belonged to the naked woman, he opened it to see if he could find her ID. And there it was—her driver’s license along with a credit card and some lipstick. There was also one of those stupid Dylan Granger Sex Bingo cards folded up inside.

Thankfully, it was blank.

He pulled out the license and looked at her birth date first. She was twenty-six. Way too young for him but at least she was legal. Then he read the name, and his stomach went to his ankles. Because it was Misty Turley, the same last name as the judge who was pissed at him. And with the way his morning was going, Dylan seriously doubted that was a coincidence. No, this was likely another of his daughters. One younger than Melanie.

Maybe he could send Walter Ray a whole case of scotch.

Dylan didn’t know exactly how many daughters the judge actually had. Walter Ray had gotten divorced years ago, and when his ex-wife had moved away, the girls only visited Wrangler’s Creek every now and then. Or at least that had been the case until Melanie had moved back after she’d finished college.

He picked up the purse so he could take it back inside and add it to the pile of clothes. Since the identity of the naked woman was bad news number five, that had to mean he was good to go at least for the rest of the day.

Or not.

Dylan heard the sound of an engine right before he saw the cop car pull up in front of the house. It wasn’t the local cops, either. The cruiser had San Antonio Police on the door.

A tall, lanky man in uniform stepped out. “I’m looking for Dylan Granger,” he said, and he flashed his badge.

Hell. What now? Had Walter Ray sent someone to look for his daughter?

“I’m Dylan Granger.” He tucked the purse in his back pocket and walked toward the cop. “Is there a problem?”

The cop didn’t answer. He just motioned to someone inside the cruiser, and a moment later, a gray-haired woman stepped out. She wasn’t alone. She was gripping the hand of a little boy who couldn’t have been more than two or three years old.

Dylan silently repeated that—hell, what now?

“You need to sign for him,” the woman said. She had some papers in her left hand, and she started toward Dylan, pulling the little boy with her.

Dylan shook his head. “Why do I need to sign? And who is he?”

The woman smiled as if there was something to smile about. “Well, Mr. Granger, according to this paper, this precious little boy is your son.”

About Delores Fossen: 

USA Today bestselling author, Delores Fossen, is an Air Force veteran who has sold over 100 novels. She’s received the Booksellers’ Best Award for romantic suspense, the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award and was a finalist for the prestigious Rita ®. Her books have been featured in Woman’s Day and Woman’s World. In addition, she’s had nearly a hundred short stories and articles published in national magazines.

Connect with Delores: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub


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Book Review, Giveaway: Misadventures with a Rookie by Toni Aleo


Misadventures with a Rookie

 by Toni Aleo, New York Times bestselling author  


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Winning has always come naturally for stud ice hockey defenseman Gus “the Bus” Persson. On the ice or off, he’s never had any trouble scoring, racking up goals—and girls. As the best player in his rookie class and the number-one draft pick of the Malibu Suns, he’s taking his game to the next level and is justifiably full of swagger.
So why does one of the Suns’ ice girls treat him like he’s invisible?
Bo St. James doesn’t have time for rookie hotshots who think their gloves don’t stink. She knows them, she works with them, she trains them. It doesn’t matter that Gus Persson is the hottest newbie she’s ever seen. She knows his type. She’s got big plans of her own, and she’s not going to let some cocky rich kid athlete keep her from her goals.
But there’s a chemistry between them they cannot deny. A lust that burns so hot, it threatens to melt the very ice on which they make their livings. The game has changed for both of them. Together, can these two play to win?


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


The way she looked at me, like I stole her doll and drew dicks on its mouth, revved my engines.


It had been a long time since I yearned for a woman, probably because they usually threw themselves at me. I was pretty sure the only thing redhead wanted to throw at me was a puck.


I would never intentionally hurt you. And besides, my mom would kill me if I did.


She scoffed. “Please, the only thing I thought that man was put on this earth for was to give me you. After that, he was slime.” “I’m right here, Lauren.” My face broke into a grin as my mom went on. “Well, obviously that’s changed. I love you, duh.”


I’ll never finish loving you. It just keeps going on and on. I’ve finished a lot of things. A period during a game, a goal, and plenty of women that I shouldn’t really be bringing up, but oh well, it’s part of my point. With you it’s constant and I can’t… I just can’t finish.


My Review:


I smirked my way through this witty and amusing New Adult/College/Hockey Romance, which is in all honesty, a trifecta of genres I rarely peruse. Maybe I should indulge in them more often, or maybe I should just read more of the comically talented Ms. Aleo’s work as I was engaged throughout and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I was highly entertained by the premise as well as the expletive-spewing and quirky accident-prone characters with their salacious sensual scenes and inner musings, which morphed into a sweet/sizzling romance. Ms. Aleo has a wicked sense of humor and excellent pacing. I adored the character’s clever exchanges, witty quips, and saucy banter – especially those flowing from the elder Perssons who were obviously the fun parentals. More, please, Ms. Aleo. I greedily want all your naughty tales.

Meet The Author
My name is Toni Aleo, and I’m a #PredHead, #sherrio, #potterhead, and part of the #familybusiness!

I am also a wife to my amazing husband, mother of a gamer and a gymnast, and also a fur momma to Gaston el Papillion.

While my beautiful and amazing Shea Weber has been traded from my Predators, I’m still a huge fan. But when I’m not cheering for him, I’m hollering for the whole Nashville Predators since I’ll never give my heart to one player again.

When I’m not in the gym getting swole, I’m usually writing, trying to make my dreams a reality, or being a taxi for my kids.

I’m obsessed with Harry Potter, Supernatural, Disney, and anything that sparkles! I’m pretty sure I was Belle in a past life, and if I could be on any show, it would be Supernatural so I could hunt with Sam and Dean.

Also, I did mention I love hockey, right?

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Book Review: Surrender My Heart (Caught Up in Love #3) by L. G. O’Connor

Surrender My Heart

Caught Up in Love (Book 3)

by L. G. O’Connor



Series: Caught Up in Love (Book 3)

Publisher: Collins-Young Publishing LLC (February 6, 2018)

Follow up to the 2017 Kindle Scout Winner, Shelter My Heart

Do you remember your first love in high school? What if you never stopped?

For decades, Katherine “Kitty” McNally has secretly loved John Henshaw, the man lying shot and unconscious in the hospital bed next to her. Then again, maybe not so secretly. Those closest to her, including her soon-to-be ex-husband, have suspected it for years. Their story ended with a gunshot wound the last time, too. Life seems to have taken her full circle, but only the dead know the secrets she still keeps.

Detective John Henshaw fell in love with his “Kat” the moment she became his geometry tutor in high school. When they graduated, he thought their future was sealed. Wrong. Enter life’s nonstop curveballs. The worst two moments of his life were the two times he lost Kat. After thirty-five years and one failed marriage trying to forget her, he can’t escape the fact that he’s never stopped loving her. Maybe it’s just his ego, but he could swear he sees a spark of love in her eyes every time she looks at him. That’s what keeps him in the New Jersey town that holds his most painful memories. That’s why he accepted his place decades ago as a family friend to the McNally sisters.

As John recovers from his injuries in Kitty’s care, she has one last chance to confront her past and rekindle their love–if John can forgive her once he learns the truth.

 “OMG! Wonderful, heartwrenching and intense story!” ~VIP Reader
“Nicholas Sparks meets Colleen Hoover in dual timeline love story that will leave you breathless!” ~VIP Book Club Reader

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Someone once asked me what I’d tell myself if I could go back in time. I wouldn’t say anything. I’d be too busy kicking my own ass from here to kingdom come for making the wrong choices. For thinking life would always be as good as it was when I was eighteen.


“Great job, Kitty!” says the overly friendly instructor. “You did awesome for your first class.” I give her a tight smile and try to ignore the fact that I’m saturated and most assuredly going to wake up crippled tomorrow… They barely broke a sweat and look like fresh-cut flowers in their stylish weekend wear. I hate them.


Being this close to Kat and not being able to touch her makes me feel like I’m dying of hunger in front of a locked refrigerator.


In the end, I made the best of the worst choices for all of us.


Sometimes you gotta surrender your heart and go all in. That’s what I’m doing. With us. One life, Kat. That’s all we’ve got.


My Review:


I adored this book and resented each and every interruption to my rapt perusal, and I should be ashamed to admit… I may have hissed at and ignored the ringing phone. This was my virgin voyage with L.G. O’Connor but I plan to haunt her listings from now on, she is a gifted scribe, a master storyteller, and my new favorite – even though she gutted me. The writing and storylines were simply superb, addictive, and well-crafted. I instantly fell in and remained immersed in Ms. O’Connor’s emotive and richly textured writing style, which featured my favorite dual POV and covered the characters’ history through three different timelines which each involved an epic, sensual, and bone-deep love for a soulmate, bad timing, family drama, betrayal, horrendous luck, and heartbreaking tragedy. Despite the sound of all that, the emotional tone was thoughtfully paced, deeply moving, and well-balanced without being overly angsty. I was engaged and intrigued throughout this heart-squeezing book with the only possible improvement being a longer epilogue as I didn’t want to say goodbye to the characters just yet, but I’m greedy like that.

About L. G. O’Connor

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LG O’Connor is a corporate marketing exec by day who takes her author cape out at night. An avid reader, she loves books with memorable characters that make her heart sing. She’s the author of the urban fantasy / paranormal romance series, The Angelorum Twelve Chronicles, and Caught Up in RAINE, her contemporary romantic women’s fiction debut. Shelter My Heart (a Kindle Scout Winner) is the second novel in her romantic women’s fiction series, Caught Up in Love, a series which follows three women in the same family on their road to redemption and a second chance at love. A native ‘Jersey Girl,’ she’s always in search of the perfect cup of coffee and fine Italian leather. Her perfect hero always keeps the heroine fed. You can find her new book, Recipes from Raine’s Roost (which first appeared on Joyce Lamb’s USA TODAY Happy Ever After blog), by Caught Up in RAINE hero, Raine MacDonald, on Amazon under the Cooking & Wine section.

As an avid book lover, she enjoys connecting with readers.

Book Review, Giveaway: Misadventures with my Roommate by Elizabeth Hayley


Misadventures with my Roommate

by Elizabeth Hayley

Releases: 27th March









Blake Monroe hasn’t had the easiest life, but she’s never been one to dwell on her misfortunes, preferring to see the world as a place where you get what you give.

Having had an especially troubling childhood, Blake’s aware she doesn’t exactly fit the definition of “normal.” Her lack of filter, dry sense of humor, and uncanny ability to read people make her rather unique—and difficult to live with. When her latest roommate has had enough of her antics, Blake decides living with a man might suit her better.

Gavin Gibson’s a dreamer whose artsy aspirations don’t meet the high expectations of his wealthy family. Cast off and cut off, Gavin needs a place to live. When he’s invited to share Blake’s quaint apartment, he cannot pass it up. With a knack for spotting the good in others, Gavin can see past Blake’s quirks—and neither of them can ignore their sexual chemistry.

As sparks fly, their genuine affection for each other grows, and Gavin begins to break down Blake’s defenses. But can Blake open up to reveal the damage she’s worked so hard to conceal?

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Blake instantly grew wary of this woman who looked like the fate of everyone she encountered that day depended on whether or not she got a giant container of coffee— though it made Blake feel a bit like a superhero barista. With this one order, she would be saving this woman’s coworkers from being murdered with office supplies.


I don’t think my brain has room for all of this. I’ve been a bartender for four years, and I still don’t remember how to make most of the drinks. I just throw whatever in a glass, and people know better than to complain.


Celeste had recommended Blake refer to herself as eccentric instead of saying she was “batshit crazy,” which was off-putting. Go figure.


He’d first noticed the odd choice in tile earlier in the day when he was talking to Blake and Celeste but had decided not to ask Blake why she’d chosen to decorate a place where people ate with tiles depicting silhouettes of people posing in various Kama Sutra positions. The fact that he found himself hoping she planned to finish the remaining few square feet alarmed him slightly.


Even as a child, her life was like a Dr. Seuss book of psychiatric professionals.

My Review:


I loved this delightfully clever and smartly crafted book. I smirked, giggled-snorted, and even barked aloud more than a few times at the delightfully off-beat, odd, intensely amusing, and wickedly clever yet shameless utterances and thoughts that flittered through Blake’s rather zany and unfettered brain. She appeared unhindered by concerns for social conventions and tended to blurt out her vividly colorful thoughts and frank observations, which were often on-point yet prone to be irreverent, painfully blunt, socially inappropriate, and outrageously comical. I initially wondered whether she may have some sort of developmental or brain damage, yet she was also verbose and uncannily observant and witty, as well as wildly imaginative and clever in her inner musing and fantasies. I adored her as well as the hapless and befuddled Gavin Gibson, who was as drawn and consumed by the enigmatic Blake as I was. Blake rattled him and sucked him into her vortex of unpredictability, sensuality, and addictively compelling attraction; which was the best thing that ever happened to the both of them. This was my first exposure to the brilliant team of Elizabeth Hayley and I was an instant fangirl and convert for their cult. I greedily want all their rave-worthy and delightfully clever arrangements of words.

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Meet the Authors


Elizabeth Hayley is actually “Elizabeth” and “Hayley,” two friends who love reading romance novels to obsessive levels. This mutual love prompted them to put their English degrees to good use by penning their own. The product is Pieces of Perfect, their debut novel. They learned a ton about one another through the process, like how they clearly share a brain and have a persistent need to text each other constantly (much to their husbands’ chagrin).

“Elizabeth” lives with her husband, daughter, and nutjob of a dog. “Hayley” lives with her husband, son, and her own crazy dog. Thankfully, their children are still too young to read.

Elizabeth Hayley’s writing motto is best captured by the words of Patrick Dennis: “I always start with a clean piece of paper and a dirty mind.”

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Find all books in the Misadventures Series here: The Misadventures Series 

Book Review: One Hundred Heartbeats by Kelly Collins

One Hundred Heartbeats

by Kelly Collins 



Kindle Scout Winner Kelly Collins welcomes you back to Aspen Cove, the tiny Colorado town where fresh starts, hope, and true love live…

Katie Middleton knows what it’s like to stare death in the face. Growing up with a serious heart defect stopped her from really living. Now that she has a new heart, she’s determined not to miss out on anything wonderful ever again. Escaping her overprotective parents and opening a bakery in Aspen Cove, Katie starts crossing items off her bucket list as quickly as she can. The one item that she’s not sure she’ll ever check off however, is falling in love. That is until Bowie Bishop appears before her.

When a car accident took his high school sweetheart, Bowie Bishop was sure he’d never love again. He disappeared from Aspen Cove to join the Army (it’s army, yes? Not marines?), then spent nearly ten years in active combat risking his life to save others. Now that an injury has forced him to retire, he finds himself in the last place he wants to be—back home. He’s determined to take off as soon as he can, but when a cute, sassy little blonde catches his eye, he’s not so sure he’ll be able to leave Aspen Cove.

Just when Katie knows for sure that her heart will only ever beat for Bowie, she discovers a secret from her past that will shake the foundation of their new relationship to the core. Will the truth tear them apart or will they find salvation in each other’s arms?

Find out now in One Hundred Heartbeats!

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Sage liked her coffee laced with electricity, whereas Katie chose the heart-healthy option of decaffeinated.


 She’d always considered herself a patient person, but her mom could try a saint on Sunday.


I’m okay. In fact, I’m finer than frog hair split seven ways.


Dalton’s no bad boy. He’s like Bambi with testosterone.


“I’ve been to war multiple times. I can’t imagine this is worse or different.” She wanted to tell him he was being silly, but his description was spot on. With seven kids to watch, there was no doubt there would be battles won and lost over the next three hours… Jill ran toward Bowie and threw herself into his arms. Big crocodile tears ran down her cheeks. “David tore off my Barbie’s head.” She lifted a decapitated doll to his face. Bowie’s lost expression told her this was worse than war.


My Review:


I adore Kelly Collins’s sweet and steamy stories. Her writing is always a pleasurable read for me with a good balance of emotive storytelling, humor, steam, and insightful observations. One Hundred Heartbeats was written in my favorite dual POV with deeply endearing and lovable characters. The storylines were interesting, relevant, realistic, and artfully detailed for all the senses. I smiled, smirked, my through and sighed contentedly at the sweet HEA.   I will be eagerly awaiting book three of this entertaining and heartwarming series.


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 Kelly Collins writes with the intention of keeping the love alive.

Always a romantic, she is inspired by real-time events mixed with a dose of fiction. She encourages her readers to reach the happily ever after but bask in the afterglow of the perfectly imperfect love.

Kelly lives in Colorado with her husband of twenty-five years. She loves hockey, shiny objects and has a new-found appreciation for green smoothies.

Book Review: Nailed Down by Chelle Bliss & Eden Butler



Nailed Down 

by Chelle Bliss & Eden Butler

Release Date: 20th March

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

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Kit Carlyle isn’t just some woman. Beautiful? Yep. Seductive? Damn straight. She’s also my best friend and my co-worker. But, hell, I’m a guy with a pulse. Every once in a while, I take a look and think filthy things about her that maybe I shouldn’t.


But when her cousin dies and leaves her with a long as hell and sexy bucket list, Kit turns to me for a helping hand. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a woman in need. Besides, I’m damn sure not about to let another man steal away my girl, occupy her bed, or fill my shoes.

But as the stakes get higher and the items become hotter, I’ll have to face the toughest challenge of all: admitting I want more than Kit’s friendship.

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Kiel was slick, always had some woman on the side because he was a good-looking dude and he could talk a preacher into a porno subscription.


I winked at her, and I decided just then to wink at her as much as I could. The effect made my gut flutter like a virgin groom getting a lap dance at his bachelor party.


My Review:


Sizzle and snap! Nailed Down was an amusing and cleverly written slow burn adult romance that was a fun and sexy read while also managing to have little actual sex in it, but once they finally hit the sheets – wowza… the linens were scorched beyond repair! I adored this original and entertaining story as much as it enjoyed the quirky cast of characters. I smirked, snorted, and sighed my way through this sweet and steamy tale.

Meet the Authors

Chelle Bliss

USA Today bestselling author Chelle Bliss currently lives in a small town near the Gulf of Mexico. She’s a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, and coffee fiend. She’s written over ten books and has two series available. She loves spending her free time with her boyfriend, 2 cats, and her hamster.

Before becoming a writer, Chelle taught high school history for over ten years. She holds a master’s degree in Instructional Technology and a bachelor’s in History. Although history is her first love, writing has become her dream job and she can’t imagine doing anything else.


Eden Butler

Eden Butler is an editor and writer of Fantasy, Mystery and Contemporary Romance novels and the nine-times great-granddaughter of an honest-to-God English pirate. This could explain her affinity for rule breaking and rum.
When she’s not writing or wondering about her possibly Jack Sparrowesque ancestor, Eden patiently waits for her Hogwarts letter, edits, reads and spends way too much time watching rugby, Doctor Who and New Orleans Saints football.
She is currently living under teenage rule alongside her husband in southeast Louisiana.    Please send help.

Subscribe to Eden’s newsletter for giveaways, sneak peeks and various goodies that might just give you a chuckle.


Book Review: Showing Up (THE GEG SERIES #4) by Jacquelyn Ayres

Book: Showing Up


Author: Jacquelyn Ayres

Genre: Contemporary Romance 



Julie McEvoy has been mourning the loss of her mother most of her life. Only . . . her mother isn’t dead. She’s not missing. She’s not even far away. She’s just not there the way a mother should be.

Having enough of the passive-aggressive loop their relationship has been on, Julie cuts ties completely with Cynthia. It shouldn’t matter; Cynthia’s never really there for her anyhow. She doesn’t need her mother anymore.

Except—she does.

Cynthia McEvoy has been keeping secrets for over thirty years. She’s not proud of it, but it has helped her to become the strong, independent woman she is today. The same strong woman who is now trying to pick up and glue back the pieces of the relationships she’s either destroyed along the way or never allowed any nourishment for. 

Hopefully, it’s not too late.

Sometimes you have to go back to the beginning to understand how behaviors start, why they continue for so long, and where to begin the healing process.



My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Nothing puts your ass in check quicker than realizing you’re turning into your mother.


I’m Australian, yet no one is ever sure if I am or if I’m English, so I’m intriguing. My man-card is platinum, dude.


I know. I’m really proud of you . . . learning English like that. Has it been harder to understand with Dumbass being your native tongue?


Believe me, darling, when I tell you that man needs absolutely no help in that department. I’m half surprised his willy hasn’t fallen off yet.


Everyone has a spirit animal, ours is the sloth…


I’m at an age in my life where I’d rather start off with a promising ‘hello’ kiss than worrying about a ‘goodnight’ kiss for the entire date.

My Review:


I smirked and giggle-snorted my way through this irreverently humorous and cheeky tale that was overflowing with quirky and sassy characters, f-bombs, family drama, and heart-squeezing and swoon-worthy romance. Sigh.   I adore Jacquelyn Ayres naughty wit and imagine she would be a top shelf friend and good fun to be around, rain or shine. Deftly written from multiple points of view, the snark was well-honed, the banter was spicy, the nursery rhymes were naughty, the quips were cleverly pitched, and the inner musings were insightfully observant and tugged at the heart. I was highly impatient and needled with curiosity to uncover the treasure trove of Cynthia’s thirty-year-old secrets the wily author periodically taunted me with… I had a feeling her history was going to be a heart ripper, and the creative and ingenious Ms. Ayres did not disappoint. Don’t you dare tell me we’ve run out of GEGs, so who is next Ms. Ayres? Dare I suggest a clever cougar addition to Maddie’s practice who just happens to be named DJ? Hmm?

Meet the Author: 

      I am a domestic engineer (born and raised in New Jersey) whose sole responsibility is guiding three young, impressionable kids into becoming phenomenal adults. This challenging yet rewarding work requires a lot of love (coffee), patience (wine), and determination (periodic exorcisms). And so far—I’m nailing it! I used to work all of this magic from the beautiful state of New Hampshire but am now blessing North Carolina with my brand of harmless crazy. You’re welcome, North Carolina.
      Before becoming a domestic goddess (not really), I spent over a decade working in the medical field, where I wore more hats than the queen.
      I have loved the written word and the great escape it provides since I was a little girl. When I wasn’t reading about people and the places they lived, I created my own characters and adventures. Finally, I started putting a pen to paper and allowing my characters to come to life.

When I don’t have a pen in hand, you can often find me laughing at the conversations my characters are having in my head.

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Book Review: No Ordinary Love (Sweetbriar Cove #6) by Melody Grace

Title: No Ordinary Love
Series: Sweetbriar Cove #6
Author: Melody Grace
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 12, 2018
For journalist Eliza Bennett, summers in Sweetbriar  Cove were her happiest childhood memories. Now that she’s been unceremoniously fired, she hopes the small town will work its magic again and help get her life back on track. She definitely isn’t looking for a distraction like the handsome stranger she meets on her way into town… especially when she discovers he might be the man behind her recent misfortunes.


Cal Prescott is in Sweetbriar Cove adjusting to (or escaping from) his new role as head of the family company. He’s always prided himself on his cool logic, but reckoning with the outspoken spitfire, Eliza, is making him forget his responsibilities – and why falling in love would be such a bad idea.

The sparks between them are red-hot, and soon, their passion is heating up the summer nights. But can Eliza and Cal find a way through their differences – or will this opposites-attract romance burn out before it even begins?

Find out in the latest swoon-worthy Sweetbriar Cove romance from New York Times bestselling author, Melody Grace!

The Sweetbriar Cove Series of standalone romances:

#1 Meant to Be
#2 All for You
#3 The Only One
#4 I’m Yours
#5 Holiday Kisses
#6 No Ordinary Love

#7 Wildest Dreams (July 2018)


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Available at other retailers soon.

My Rating:

Favorite Quote:


“Maybe he’s been hit by a bus,” she said, still watching her silent phone. “Maybe he ran out of the gala after me, got hit by a bus, and has been in traction all week, unable to call?” She exhaled with a rueful smile. “Wow, you know things are really bad when the best-case scenario involves a gruesome accident.”

My Review:


Cal and Eliza started off with bad blood between them, as in her mind; he was the cause of her recent unemployment. Yet they seemed to have a spark, although it was often one of annoyance, but a spark nonetheless. They had one of the most awkward first dates imaginable, which was only improved by hours of vomiting due to a mutual bout of food poisoning that occurred during the date. I always enjoy returning to this series and becoming reacquainted with the previously featured couples and new friends. I enjoy Ms. Grace’s humor, quirky yet endearingly flawed characters, and engaging storylines. This entertaining series has been easy to follow with each installment being an interconnected yet stand-alone volume.

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Author Bio

NYT bestselling author, a SoCal transplant, and sexy romance junkie 😉 I never say no to ice-cream…
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Book Review: Fatal Chaos by Marie Force

Fatal Chaos

by Marie Force



First the calm. Then the storm…

Escaping DC during the dog days of summer is one of the smartest moves Washington metro police lieutenant Samantha Holland ever made. Beach walks aren’t quite as romantic with the Secret Service in tow, but Sam and her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano, cherish the chance to recharge and reconnect—especially with a scandal swirling around the administration.

No sooner are they back home than a fatal drive-by shooting sets the city on edge. The teenage victim is barely older than Sam and Nick’s son, Scotty. As more deaths follow, Sam and her team play beat the clock to stop the ruthless killers. With Nick facing his greatest challenge—one that could drastically change all their lives and even end Sam’s career—will the mounting pressure deepen or damage their bond?

My Rating:


Favorite Quotes:


I think you can only get an annulment before the marriage is consummated. Since we’ve consummated ours about six thousand times, I’d say you’re screwed in more ways than one.


There’s my nonfelon wife. I’m so glad I’m not going to have to visit you in prison, although I bet the conjugal visits would’ve been hot.


“She should’ve been spanked more as a child,” Celia said, teasing. Sam laughed. “They couldn’t catch me to spank me.”


“Mom! Language!” “I’ll put fifty in the swear jar.” “That swear jar is going to put me through college… Better make it a hundred bucks… I have a feeling this is gonna be a long day.”


“Stop making excuses for them,” Scotty said. “They’re unseemly. And yes, that’s one of our vocabulary words this week. My parents are unseemly. See? I can even use it in a sentence.” Sam and Nick rocked with laughter… Scotty folded his arms and shook his head. “You guys suck at this.” To Celia, he said, “Is there a class or something they can take before they totally mess me up?”

My Review:


Fatal Chaos was my perfect read with a good cross-section of suspense, sizzle, clever humor, a sexy and supportive loving couple, compelling and likable characters, a well-crafted and unpredictable storyline, and excellent writing. It was superb from start to finish, even if one of the main characters was a politician – but this is how you know you are reading fiction since he wasn’t a self-serving and egotistical weasel. I adored the snappy dialogue, and highly amusing verbal sparring and irreverent bickering Sam engaged in with her husband, partner, son, and father. They each held their own and gave as good as they got. There were multiple storylines going at once, all were actively engaging, busy, and highly interesting.   The random and vexing crime spree was heartbreaking yet realistic, relevant, and one I could not have solved. I love when that happens!


About the Author

 Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance, including the indie-published Gansett Island Series and the Fatal Series from Harlequin Books. In addition, she is the author of the Butler, Vermont Series, the Green Mountain Series and the erotic romance Quantum Series. In 2019, her new historical Gilded series from Kensington Books will debut with Duchess By Deception

All together, her books have sold 6.5 million copies worldwide, have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have appeared on the New York Times bestseller list many times. She is also a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller, a Speigel bestseller in Germany, a frequent speaker and publishing workshop presenter as well as a publisher through her Jack’s House Publishing romance imprint. She is a two-time nominee for the Romance Writers of America’s RITA® award for romance fiction. 

Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news.
Join Marie’s mailing list for news about new books and upcoming appearances in your area. Follow her on FacebookTwitter @marieforce and on Instagram. Join one of Marie’s many reader groups. Contact Marie at

Book Review:  Sounds and Spirits (Hemlock Creek #2) by Josie Kerr

 Sounds and Spirits
Hemlock Creek #2
by Josie Kerr

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Forty-eight-year-old Liddie Hopewell doesn’t quite know what to do with herself after her husband passes away after a long illness. When one of her beloved uncles encourages her to come back to Hemlock Creek, she heads home, with her daughter and granddaughter in tow.

Tobias Harper moved back to north Georgia after three decades in Nashville, hoping to recharge and regroup. A successful musician and songwriter, Tobias is searching for inspiration but a vindictive ex-wife and the ghost of his overbearing father seem to be all he’s finding.

High school sweethearts more than three decades before, Liddie and Tobias have a chance meeting at the local tavern. A second unexpected encounter leads to answers of long-unresolved questions. Will Liddie and Tobias be able to rebuild the relationship they once had, or will the burden of the past prove to be too much for their newly-rekindled love affair to bear?



My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


I don’t know how you didn’t go crazy, Mimi. What did you guys do for fun? Chase goats? Make cheese?


I had myself a little Steel Magnolias come-undone, complete with finding the flower arrangement she sent and running it over with my car… Backed over it three times and then put it back in the reception area. That was not my finest moment. She just made me so damn mad… She just had the unmitigated gall to be twenty years younger, fifty pounds lighter, and about five inches taller.


Marty raised his eyebrows so high they shifted his toupee back on his head,


And for the record, the biggest thing about Tobias is his heart and his kindness, but, honey, everything is physically proportional, and that, my dear, is mighty fine.


My Review:


Book two in the series provides more delightfully amusing, eye-popping, sheet-scorching, and heart-squeezing excellence from the smooth and clever wordsmith known as Josie Kerr. I couldn’t read fast enough to get to the mysterious secret that had been deeply buried for thirty years, I thought I knew what it was, but I was wrong. Multiple tropes and genres were tapped for this well-crafted tale as it was part second-chance adult romance and part family drama with small-town complications, clever humor, and southern flavoring. It was a quick, entertaining, and spicy read that kept me smirking. I mourned finishing and yearned for more.   Write faster Ms. Kerr; you have provoked an addiction that you are now required to feed.



Josie Kerr  




Josie Kerr is a transplanted West Texan living on the edge of semi-profoundly rural Georgia, a.k.a. the southernmost edge of the northernmost county in Metro Atlanta.

She has an M.Ed. in Secondary English Education but discovered that she hated high school more the second time than she did the first, so she decided to meld her love of technology with her education background and became an Instructional Designer. When not writing articles about how to fire someone without getting sued or why you should really not apply for jobs using your email address, she writes steamy romance novels that feature grown-up Heroes and Heroines.