Book Review: A Coldwater Christmas (Coldwater Texas #4) by Delores Fossen 

A Coldwater Christmas

(Coldwater Texas #4)

by Delores Fossen 

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 B&N / GP / Apple 

Sometimes a little Christmas magic can rekindle the most unexpected romances…

Sheriff Kace Laramie and his brothers found long-awaited happiness when they moved to Coldwater, Texas, as foster children. But the feel-good story has one bittersweet twist—his brief marriage to local rich girl Jana Parker. When that blew up, Kace vowed never to marry again and has kept Jana mostly off his mind…until she comes back to town, needing his help.

Recently divorced for a second time, Jana just wants to create a good life for her young daughter—and keep her mother from marrying Kace’s gold-digging father. Asking him for help may be wrong given their history. But as the stakes—and their chemistry—make the Christmas season sizzle, Jana knows how much more wrong it would be to let a love this magical slip away again…

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


“Kace, the baby whisperer,” Nico joked. Kace gave him a look that could have frozen hell.


… a nurse came moseying into the room. Kace knew her, of course, and he groaned softly. It was Annabelle Mason. She was eighty if she was a day and as slow as a sloth unless it came to gossip.


In addition to bad art, her mom also had a penchant for experimental furniture. There was the tiger print couch, complete with roaring tiger heads for sofa arms. Odd-shaped yellow-and-green leather accent chairs that looked like blobs of melting butter or the remnants of a bad cold.


He was like a big ice-cream sundae to a dieting woman. Delicious and very much wanted.


Her mom was in a Peter-and-her-against-the-world kind of mindset that didn’t allow for the possibility that she was marrying an anus wart.


She wouldn’t have gotten that answer right even with a multiple choice.


My Review:


I have barely scratched the surface on this prolific wordsmith’s body of work, but I have vastly enjoyed every Dolores Fossen book I have ever picked up.   Her engaging small-town stories are laced with quirky homespun levity, feature likable and relatable characters, and are easy to fall into and a snap to follow.   Each time I have read one of her books, I have experienced a strong craving to stop and read her entire listing. A Coldwater Christmas was one of her best and a second-chance, adult contemporary, small-town romance that was as highly amusing as it was actively paced. I smirked and giggle-snorted at the delightfully comical visuals her clever words effortlessly called to mind. Ms. Fossen has a lifer fangirl in me – unless she switches genres and starts writing about zombies.



“Someone put a stink bomb in Peter’s car,” Jana explained. Best to get into the bargaining/wake-up she needed to do. She gave her mother a chance to let that sink in, but Eileen only gave her a blank look. “The stink bomb went off and caused the accident.”

That erased the blankness, and Eileen’s eyes widened as much as her nearly frozen face would allow. She moved her phone, no doubt to call Peter again, but Jana took hold of her hand to stop her.

“Someone obviously doesn’t like Peter,” Jana went on. “In fact, someone might hate him so much that they want to do him harm.”

Eileen frantically shook her head. Then, she huffed. “Are you trying again to make me think badly about him?”

Jana couldn’t exactly deny that. “You texted me and said you were having second thoughts about marrying him,” she reminded Eileen.

“Second thoughts about having the wedding here.” Eileen huffed again. “I considered maybe having the ceremony in the church instead.”

So, not the right second thoughts. That meant Jana had to spell this out for her mother. “Someone wants to harm Peter,” she repeated.

“Do you mean one of his former girlfriends, the ones you keep telling me about?”

Jana had indeed told her mother about Peter’s previous relationships, including one with an exotic dancer and with Kace’s mother. Ditto for telling Eileen about his failed business ventures and spelling out in the nth detail about him running out on his family. None of that had put a damper on Eileen’s feelings, but maybe this would.

“If someone’s trying to harm him,” Jana went on, “then you could be hurt, too. You could become this person’s target. That’s why I’m asking you to put the wedding on hold until we can figure out what’s going on with him.”

Eileen stared at her a very long moment, and then when she huffed, Jana made a huff of her own. Her mother definitely wasn’t buying this.

“Honestly, Jana, when will you give up this witch hunt about Peter?” Eileen asked, and she managed a frown.

“When I’m convinced that he’s the good and decent man you believe he is. He abandoned his family,” Jana pointed out for the umpteenth time.

Another long stare from her mother. “That’s really what this is about. Kace and his brothers. But specifically Kace. I swear if I didn’t know better, I’d think you still had feelings for your first ex-husband.”

Jana hadn’t missed the condemning tone that went with first and ex. Eileen abhorred divorce as much as she did wrinkles and gray hairs. But Jana had to admit—privately—that she still got a punch of lust whenever she was around Kace. That definitely didn’t happen with ex number two, Dominick. However, that probably had something to do with the hurt and betrayal still being so fresh with him.

At least Jana hoped that’s all there was to it. 

While she was hoping, she added that she wished the images of a naked Kace would quit popping up like a jack-in-the-box into her head. Images of them kissing, too. And yes, of them in bed.

About Delores Fossen

USA Today bestselling author, Delores Fossen, has sold over 70 novels with millions of copies of her books in print worldwide. She’s received the Booksellers’ Best Award, the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award and was a finalist for the prestigious Rita ®. In addition, she’s had nearly a hundred short stories and articles published in national magazines.

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Book Review: Shelf Awareness by Katie Ashley



Shelf Awareness

by Katie Ashley

Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!


Amazon Worldwide:

“Don’t miss this hilarious and sweet adventure in the Green Valley Library series. Five Stars!”–Aleatha Romig, New York Times bestselling author

Shelf Awareness, an all-new hilarious romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Katie Ashley is available now!


20190718_GVL04_Shelf Awareness_Ashley_KDP_FINAL

After catching her husband in a compromising position, Finley Granger finds herself in a new hell: reentering the dating world. When she moves in with her grandmother, her great-aunt, and their best friend, Finley finds herself surrounded by a trio of well-meaning yet bumbling matchmakers.

In spite of their efforts, Finley only has eyes for one person, and that’s Zeke Masters—the 6’4”, impossibly built, and ridiculously good-looking new man in town. Along with her nether regions, Finley’s journalistic spidey-senses tingle as to why he’s on sabbatical from Seattle. Is he on the lam or escaping a bad breakup? What’s his story?!?!

As Finley finds herself reluctantly drawn to the gorgeous IT guy, she can’t help but wonder: should she indulge in a rebound tryst with the mysterious Zeke, or has she finally met her match?

‘Shelf Awareness’ is a full-length contemporary romantic comedy, can be read as a standalone, and is book #4 in the Green Valley Library series, Green Valley World, Penny Reid Book Universe.



As Zeke worked on uploading the census records, I hoisted one of the many boxes from the Henderson’s donation onto the table. It kicked up an epic dust cloud. I reached inside to pluck out one of the moldering tomes of historical literature. Wrinkling my nose, I fought the urge to sneeze. Instead, I cleared my throat. When it still felt like I had swallowed a wad of sawdust, I coughed. And that was my grievous mistake.


The force of the cough dislodged the Ben Wa ball, sending it into an epic downward dive. Yes, ladies and gentlemen the Ben Wa ball had left the building. Whirling away from Zeke, I used my hand to try an inconspicuous crotch shuffle to send the ball back to its point of origin. What happened next was truly against the laws of motion. Because the universe apparently hated me, the ball escaped the confines of my thong. As it started its descent down my thigh, I squeaked and clamped my knees together.


“Are you all right?” Zeke asked behind me.


I threw a glance at him over my shoulder. “Uh, yeah, I . . .” Okay, I had no idea how I was going to get out of this one. It wasn’t like I could say, “Well, here’s the thing. The Ben Wa ball I was using to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles to keep my vagina healthy for the D just slipped out and is about to make a very unhappy trail down my leg.”


“I think a bug bit me or something.”


“Oh no. Want me to take a look?”


“No!” When Zeke’s eyes widened at my outburst, I said, “Sorry. I’m okay.”


“If you’re sure.”




“I think I might’ve found something interesting for your research.”


The only thing I was interested in at the moment was getting the Ben Wa ball out of my pants without Zeke seeing it. “Oh?”


“I definitely see some Native American female names.”


Damn him for being enthusiastic about my research. The last thing I wanted to do was walk the couple of steps back over to him while trying to keep a Ben Wa ball from rolling down my pants leg. Since I couldn’t see any other way out of it, I nodded. Gritting my teeth, I started shuffling over to him.


When I started lurching like Frankenstein’s monster, Zeke tilted his head curiously at me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”


“Yep. Totally fine,” I muttered.


Just as I reached his chair, my knee shifted because of what I imagined was panic sweat overtaking me. As the ball became dislodged, I bit down on my lip to keep from squealing again. There was no saving the ball now or my humiliation for that matter.


As soon as it plopped onto my shoe, I flung my foot, sending it ricocheting into the desk. Of course, it’s size caused it to make a tremendous ching-ching noise, which in turn caused Zeke to rip his attention away from the screen. “What was that?”


“What was what?” I questioned innocently.


He furrowed his brows at me. “You didn’t hear that noise?”


“Uh, no.” Plastering a smile on my face, I said, “I’m sorry. I was just so into what you were saying.”


Ignoring my response, Zeke quickly assessed the area around us. After I’d flung the ball away, it had come to a rest to the right of his desk chair. When he bent over to examine the ball, I inwardly began screaming noooooo while at the same time cursing Estelle for even bringing the Ben Wa ball into my orbit.


Since the universe hadn’t tortured me quite enough yet, Zeke picked up the ball. “Interesting,” he murmured as he twisted it between his fingers.


I decided it was best to play absolutely and completely clueless in this situation. “What is it?” Silently, I prayed he wouldn’t respond with, “It looks like one of those sex balls you shove up your cooch.”


“I don’t know. Maybe a part off one of the desks or chairs. I should probably give it to maintenance, so they can check all the furniture in here.”


Oh hell no. Without a second thought, I snatched the ball out of his hands. Since I did it rather abruptly, Zeke’s surprise was apparent on his face. Waving my free hand dismissively, I said, “Don’t bother yourself with that. I’ll take it to them.”


“Thanks, Finley.”


After wheezing out a breath, I replied, “You’re welcome.” I jerked my thumb over my shoulder. “I’ll go do that right now.”


I didn’t bother waiting for Zeke to reply. Instead, I power walked right out of the history room. I’m sure if he was watching me he would have been puzzled at my miraculous recovery, considering I’d been limping earlier.


At the first trash can I could find, I deposited the Ben Wa ball. It seemed abundantly clear that neither I nor my vagina were quite ready to handle the responsibility.

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


It was after watching one of my favorites, Waiting to Exhale, that I had a breakthrough. Sure, one might say rounding up your husband’s clothes to cut the crotches out of them was more of a breakdown than a breakthrough, but I didn’t care. I had a purpose.


“GramBea, while I might have an English degree, I’m a journalist and an editor, not a librarian.” In my mind, I couldn’t imagine a more depressing prospect. Nothing screams spinster like a librarian. I could literally feel my vagina shriveling at the sexless years ahead of it. Next, GramBea would be suggesting I go with her to The Beauty Mark to get my hair teased before joining her for shuffleboard.


Oh, no. There it was. The opening of the ex-files. I’m pretty sure bringing up the ex on a date was some sort of faux pas. Although I could have told the waitress to nix the wine out of respect for Marcus and his pain, I decided against it. My sixth sense told me I was going to need all the alcohol I could get.


Considering Estelle’s profession, I couldn’t imagine what kind of man she would come up with. Probably one who was vegan, wore sandals, and considered placing crystals on my body as foreplay.


My mouth gaped open. I glanced around waiting for the impending apocalypse brought on by Dot using the word hussy.


 My Review:


This was a fun read and my first outing with the delightful Katie Ashley and I was enamored with her naughty wit, clever humor, and oddly beguiling characters. I adored the gentle giant of Zeke most of all. But I never would have imagined three eighty-something women would be providing a considerable share of the levity and comic relief, but they were exceptionally keen octogenarians and gifted with purse skills – think Golden Girls but in small-town Tennessee. Ms. Ashley is a wily minx.


Written in the first person POV of a painfully betrayed and heading for divorce thirty-year-old woman the narrative sang with levity, humorous inner musings, volcanic sensuality, and highly amusing observations. Even Finley’s more painful insights came with humorous notes. I frequently smirked and was pleasantly engaged and well entertained throughout.

About the Author

Katie Ashley is a New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon Top Five Best-Selling author of both Indie and Traditionally published books. She lives outside of Atlanta, Georgia with her daughter, Olivia, her two rescue dogs named for Disney Princesses, Belle & Elsa, an out-numbered cat, Harry Potter, and one Betta fish. She has a slight obsession with Pinterest, The Golden Girls, Shakespeare, Harry Potter, and Star Wars.

Connect with Katie Ashley






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Book Review: WHERE WINTER FINDS YOU (Black Dagger Brotherhood #17.5) by J.R. Ward

(Black Dagger Brotherhood #17.5)
by J.R. Ward 

Amazon US / UK / AU / CA /

 B&N / Apple / GP



When Trez lost his beloved to a tragic death (The Shadows, Black Dagger Brotherhood #13), his soul was crushed and his destiny seemed relegated to suffering. But when he meets a mysterious female, he becomes convinced his true love has been reincarnated. Is he right? Or has his grief created a disastrous delusion?

Therese has come to Caldwell to escape a rift with her bloodline. The revelation that she was adopted and not born into her family shakes the foundations of her identity, and she is determined to make it on her own. Her attraction to Trez is not what she’s looking for, except the sexy Shadow proves to be undeniable.

Has fate provided a grieving widower with a second chance…or is Trez too blinded by the past to see the present for what it really is? In this sensual, arresting book full of the themes of redemption and self-discovery, two lost souls find themselves at a crossroads where the heart is the only compass that can be trusted…but that may require a courage that neither of them possesses.


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Honestly, he hadn’t just been born under a bad star; he’d been born under one that kicked him in the nuts so badly, he’d coughed them out in his hand.


Clapping a hand over her mouth, the absurdity of it all struck her bell so hard, she nearly snorted. And as she vowed to stop— because he was clearly not in a good mood— she really wished she was a good giggler, one of those females who managed to express oh-that’s-funny in a melodic, pretty way. But nope. Not even close. She was a grunter. A chortler. A water buffalo crossed with an army tank backfiring.


My Review:


I was a late convert to the Brotherhood, I’ve only read two so far but I was quickly hooked. This world and characters are all new to me so I’m several football fields behind the eight-ball in understanding how they all fit together with their backstories and special language, but I don’t care, I am completely blown away by the stellar quality of the writing.


J.R. War obviously loves words and she knows how to use them and arrange them in the most arresting and entertaining manner. I find her lore intriguing and her characters uniquely fascinating and complicated with complex histories and rich interior lives. Her narratives are densely packed with profoundly wordy insights and inner musings that dissect each thought and observation into intensely detailed minuscule pieces that captivate and enthrall. The storylines are multifaceted, highly sensual, and surprisingly amusing with unexpected outbursts of humor, such as an angel who boogies and swears. I wonder if I would live to tell the tale if I cleared my calendar for a month and read the entire series sequentially? At the very least, I would definitely need to stock up on wine and underwear before attempting such a daring feat.

About the Author

J.R. Ward is the author of more than thirty novels, including those in her #1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood series. There are more than fifteen million copies of her novels in print worldwide, and they have been published in twenty-six different countries around the world. She lives in the South with her family.

Book Review: Break the Rules (Loveless Brothers #3) by Roxie Noir

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 Break the Rules
(Loveless Brothers #3)
by Roxie Noir

Some lines shouldn’t be crossed.

Some rules shouldn’t be broken.

June is one of them, and I know it.

Break the Rules, an all-new hilarious, brother’s best friend romance from Roxie Noir, is available now!


As a forest ranger, I believe in the simple life. I prefer cabins to apartments, trails to freeways, and trees to people. My life is orderly, predictable, and quiet.

Until it’s hit by a woman I never saw coming — Hurricane June.

She’s fierce. She’s feisty. She has a laugh like the first day of spring, and she’s so pretty that I can’t breathe when I look at her. June will only be in town for a few months—just while job-hunting. She won’t last until winter, but how can I resist?

Except I have to. She’s my best, oldest, and most loyal friend’s baby sister.

Betraying him would be the worst thing I’ve ever done. Not betraying him might be the hardest.

Especially once we start working together on a secret project. All this spending time together, sneaking around at night, and lying to her brother about what we’re doing sure feels like more than friendship.

June might break my heart. Her brother might break my nose.

But I guess some things were made to be broken.


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Levi is a mystery wrapped in an enigma stuffed into a crate labeled puzzle, and I don’t think he likes me.


There are reasons besides loyalty and friendship that June is a bad idea for me. Reasons like Silas has extensive combat training and Silas is not a reasonable human being when it comes to his little sister.


“June, there’s a bottle of your father’s pizzazz sauce on the door if you’d like some for the chili,” my mom says. “And I think there’s still some of his butt burner if you want to go ahead and use that up.” I make a face, because your father’s pizzazz sauce is a phrase I could happily go a lifetime without hearing, and that goes double for your father’s butt burner. He’s turned to making hot sauces in his retirement, because everyone needs a hobby…


“It’s not hoarding if it’s books,” Charlie says. “Then it’s knowledge collection, and that makes you fancy.”


“There are animals who won’t breed in captivity,” he says. “Is that why you’re not married?”


“Give me more advice, please,” I say. “Fart before you go into the interview room,” he says instantly. “Don’t hold it in, because then you’ll end up gassing everyone in there, and they’ll know it was you, and you will not get hired at that job. You will not.”


“Who is this?” I demand…”You’re being nice and my brother Silas once held me down and farted into my mouth, so you’re obviously an imposter,” I say.


 My Review:


I barked with laughter and giggle-snorted repeatedly while reading this delightfully clever tale. This was my first experience reading the feisty and talented Roxie Noir but I plan to be hitting her page like a binge dieter at the all-you-can-eat buffet on cheat days.


I was euphoric over this adorable couple and well enamored with most of the secondary characters as well; they were smart, sweet-natured, witty, well suited, funny, sexy, and thoughtful and kind with each other.   Levi and June’s harmonious relationship was gentle, supportive, and considerate, as well as atomically sensual and gasp ~ hot enough to melt my Kindle.


Swoon, Levi is my forever BBF. The storylines and writing style were highly amusing, unfailingly engaging, fun, lively, easy to follow, and laden with sharp wit and comical observations.   I have a new favorite author to fangirl, I need more of her stellar arrangements of words in my life.

Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!


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I like this side of Levi. It’s a side I’ve only ever seen glimpses of before in the past two weeks — sweet, slightly goofy, teasing and funny, different from the serious, quiet man I thought he was. It’s a strange revelation, but a good one, even if I wish I liked it less.

“One minute,” I tell him, and pull back from the window.

I shut it. I pull the curtains closed.
I wonder what I’m doing and why on earth Levi has shown up beneath my bedroom window at twelve-thirty in the morning. I wish that the sight of him down there had made me feel differently, that I was indifferent and vaguely curious instead of suddenly buzzing and feeling like I’m being lifted aloft by several large birds.

I tiptoe down the stairs and through the living room, still wondering. I haven’t heard from him at all since we ate pizza in the back of his truck two nights ago, and I wish that didn’t bother me. I wish I thought less about him sitting there, as night fell, laughing and showing me his cell phone or telling me that he’s an alien.

I wish I thought less about him, period.

When I get outside, Levi’s leaning against his truck, his shoulder-length hair out of its usual knot.

I’m not sure I remember seeing him with his hair down before. He looks different. Relaxed. Like himself.

“I named the dog,” he says as I walk up to him.

I don’t know what I was expecting him to say, but that wasn’t it.

“You do know that the last time a man came to my window, I called my brother to get rid of him,” I say. “I’m sure he told you about that.”

“He certainly did,” Levi said. “And if I were in my right mind, it might have deterred me.”

“You’re in your wrong mind, then?” I ask, tilting my head slightly, keeping my voice down.

“You didn’t ask what I named the dog,” he says.

“Did you come here at twelve-thirty in the morning to tell me you named your dog?” I ask.

Levi smiles, holds out one hand. I step forward and take it, his skin warm and he enfolds my fingers in his.

“No,” he says. “I came here to say that I think you should come back to my place for a nightcap.”

“A nightcap?”

“Yes,” he says. “I’d like to take you home, fix you a drink, and seduce you, and I’d like to do it without thinking even once of your brother.”

22780591_1188339054599440_1276039985320359281_nAbout Roxie

I love writing sexy, alpha men and the headstrong women they fall for.

My weaknesses include: beards, whiskey, nice abs with treasure trails, sarcasm, cats, prowess in the kitchen, prowess in the bedroom, forearm tattoos, and gummi bears.

I live in California with my very own sexy, bearded, whiskey-loving husband and two hell-raising cats.

Connect with Roxie





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Book Review: Captain Dreamboat (Ponderosa Resort Romantic Comedies #6) by Tawna Fenske

Captain Dreamboat

(Ponderosa Resort Romantic #6)

by Tawna Fenske

Amazon  US UK / CA / AU /

B&N / Apple / GP 

Jonathan Bracelyn pours his soul into saving the world, and he’s still nowhere near canceling out the sins of dear ol’ dad. But when a medical crisis prompts Jon to toss his sister the ultimate lifeline, he’s forced to hang up his captain’s hat and hit pause on the one thing that makes him…well, him.

At least he has Blanka Pavlo’s heart-flooding smile to buoy his spirits. A brilliant scientist, she knows things can’t last with the do-gooder Bracelyn brother. Not even if he kisses like a dream and boasts biceps as hefty as his heart. Blanka’s learned the hard way how lonely life is in the shadow of a saint, so she’s giving the hottie hero a wide berth.

Except Jonathan sucks at self-care, so maybe she’ll lend a hand (and other tingly parts) to help him out. Soon, they’re bonding over awkward bubble baths and a disturbingly homely cat, while struggling to remember it’s all temporary. But the harder they brace for goodbye, the louder their hearts declare they’re already in too deep.




My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


When he got his tonsils out at ten, he came to and immediately looked between his legs… The neighbor’s dog got neutered the week before… Jon was confused about what sort of surgery he’d had. The more we tried to explain it, the more agitated he got, until we finally let him go ahead and inspect things.


She points to the screen. “That’s the next one. The next time you’re nude, take a moment to stand naked before the mirror and repeat the following—‘ I’m a beautiful sunflower, fragile and proud, mighty and soft.’” She looks at me and snorts. “I would pay one million dollars to see you do that.”


When Chuck takes Wendy’s hand as we pass from the south hall to the north lab, she smiles at him like he invented dark chocolate.


“It’s my birthday,” Archie announces proudly. “Eighty-five.”… Archie just beams and takes a bite out of his drumstick. “No one’s spanked me yet.”


We wait in silence for more kittens to appear, or for Jessica’s head to spin around. It’s the first time I’ve witnessed feline birth, and it’s not unlike an exorcism. But also magical.


I’d never say that to the girls, but Jon was beautiful the instant he came out. The others took a few days to stop looking like rashy coneheads…


“How do mothers know the exact right thing to say?” “It’s in the manual,” she says. “They hand it to you in the delivery room, along with a fifth of vodka and a pair of earplugs.”


My Review:


Tawna Fenske’s clever rom/coms are a guaranteed giggle-snort.   I relish her keen wit and amusingly observant insights and inner musings as much as her well-drawn and charismatic characters. Her engaging stories are always smirk-worthy with irreverent humor and comical antics deftly penned along with the thoughtful insertions of real-world issues and cunning incorporations of unique family drama, personal insecurities, and emotional vulnerabilities.


Her characters tend to highly appealing, multifaceted, and exceptionally bright as was the case with the main characters featured in this installment. Blanka was beautiful as well as brilliant with a head full of random facts, which she spouted uncontrollably when anxious. I adored her. Jon was not just a good guy – he was the superhero model of good guys. He was gentle and kind, gave generously from his wallet, and his entire career and much of his free time was spent in exceedingly admirable, selfless, and meaningful service and duty to the less fortunate and a mind toward the greater good. Blanka was all too familiar with these tendencies as her father was of the same mentality, although to the far extreme and to the detriment of his family life, something Blanka had no interest in repeating.   I enjoyed their blossoming romance and laughed aloud through their impromptu picnic with the ribald and saucy octogenarian Archie and his mortified relatives.


About the Author    




When Tawna Fenske finished her English lit degree at 22, she celebrated by filling a giant trash bag full of romance novels and dragging it everywhere until she’d read them all. Now she’s a RITA-nominated, USA Today bestselling author who writes humorous fiction, risqué romance, and heartwarming love stories with a quirky twist. Publishers Weekly has praised Tawna’s offbeat romances with multiple starred reviews and noted, “There’s something wonderfully relaxing about being immersed in a story filled with over-the-top characters in undeniably relatable situations. Heartache and humor go hand in hand.”

Tawna lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband, stepkids, and a menagerie of ill-behaved pets. She loves hiking, snowshoeing, standup paddleboarding, and inventing excuses to sip wine on her back porch. She can peel a banana with her toes and loses an average of twenty pairs of eyeglasses per year. To find out more about Tawna and her books, visit


Book Review, Giveaway: Tracking Tahlula (On Call #3) by Freya Barker


Title: Tracking Tahlula (On Call #3)
Author: Freya Barker
Romantic Suspense
Release Date: November 12, 2019
Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC.

As author Tahlula Rae has discovered; success is a double-edged sword. Leading a quiet and anonymous life, she isn’t prepared for the hateful backlash when her latest book hit the lists, propelling her into the limelight. No longer feeling safe in Denver, she takes her laptop and dog, Luke, and moves to the mountains around Durango, where her peaceful solitude is disrupted when a red-bearded man knocks on her door.

While one of the fire department’s finest, Evan Biel, is relatively content with his life, he can’t escape the sense something’s missing. When on fire-safety housecalls, he finds himself staring into a pair of soulful, copper-colored eyes sparking a deep interest. Discovering the exotic-looking woman may be in more trouble than he can handle, he tries—yet fails—to keep his distance.

When Tahlula offers San Antonio firefighters, Moose and Penelope Jacobs, temporary lodging, as they help fight seasonal wildfires, Evan’s relieved she’s no longer alone on the mountain. Yet when her troubles become outright threats on her life, his focus has to be keeping Tahlula safe.

Kindle Unlimited




My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Can you guys dial down the testosterone, please? I’m having an allergic reaction.


Sometimes I really detest the voice of reason.


As nice a package as you come in, it’s your indiscriminate kindness, your passion, your warm heart, and your beautiful soul that made me fall in love with you.


Stop making sense, you’re starting to annoy me.


My Review:


This was an active and entertaining yet easy to follow and engaging romantic suspense story with an interesting premise, likable and sweary characters, clever pets, intrigue, peril, humorous banter, a sweet and steamy new romance, scorched sheets, a radical fringe group, and fast-paced and eventful storylines.   Insightfully and evocatively written in my favorite dual POV of a newly acquainted over-forty couple who felt interest, awareness, and unmistakable attraction at first glance. Pregnancy is one of my least favorite tropes but I’ll always make an exception for the crafty Freya Barker… unless she starts writing about pregnant zombies, which would be a definite no-go/hard limit.


Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories.
Driven to make her books about ‘real’ people; with characters who are perhaps less than perfect, but just as deserving of romance, thrills and chills, and their own slice of happy.
A recipient of the RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for best first book, “Slim To None”, and Finalist for the Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, Freya has not slowed down.
She continues to add to her rapidly growing collection of published novels as she spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

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Book Review: Stud Muffin by Jiffy Kate


It’s hard to get revenge without getting a rap sheet.

Stud Muffin, an all-new friends-to-lovers standalone romance from Jiffy Kate, is available now!

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After Tempest Cassidy walks in on her husband banging her high school nemesis, her whole world gets turned upside down. She goes from being known as the Duchess of Muffins to the town crazy. Her new MO: revenge. Eventually, Tempest grows weary being arrested. Yet what choice does she have? If she’s not angry, then she’s simply . . . sad.

Just as she decides to get her life back on track, in walks Cage Erickson, the new bouncer at the local strip club. He’s scary-handsome and the polar opposite of her ex. She’s attracted to him, but she’s not looking for a rebound. He’s attracted to her, but he’s not looking for a serious relationship. So, they agree to be friends.

But when lines get blurred in the friend zone, will they both get burned? Or will it be a TKO?

‘Stud Muffin’ is a full-length contemporary romantic comedy, can be read as a standalone, and is book#2 in the Donner Bakery series, Green Valley World, Penny Reid Book Universe.

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My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


I don’t want to be a person with a rap sheet. Orange is not a good color on me.


Anna will kick my ass when she finds out, and don’t say she won’t find out because we both know that’s a lie. Nobody gossips like the barflies and the Baptists.


First of all, Cage is not scary looking… Just because the men around here walk hunched over, dragging their knuckles like their Neanderthal forefathers, doesn’t mean it’s wrong to be tall. He can’t help it.


“That cucumber,” he says, pointing to my hands. “You’ve been squeezing it for a few minutes now. If it’s not firm enough, I can maybe go to the back and see if we have any fresh off the truck.” It’s then I realize Johnny works here at the grocery store and I have a large cucumber in my hands… stroking it. When did I get to the produce section? And when did the produce section get so erotic? Is it hot in here? … What am I here for again?


She’s the incarnation of Satan. Asher and Mindy aren’t going to have a bouncing bundle of joy, they’re going to have a devil love child. I should alert the media. This has a horror movie written all over it.


I thought it was fictional, something women made up or only happened in pornos… I’m Jell-O. My bones have turned to mush and I’ll have to spend the rest of my days just oozing through life… Here lies Tempest Cassidy. It took twenty-eight years, but she finally found out what it was like to have multiple orgasms and cunnilingus. And then she died.


My Review:


I giggle-snorted, smirked, and laughed aloud while reading this wittily penned tale. I am new to the dynamic duo of Jiffy Kate, silly me, where I have been?   Their writing style was seamless, cleverly amusing, comically descriptive, keenly observant, and sharply honed to conjure sharp visuals that had me bouncing in my chair with gleeful delight.

Tempest, the Donner Bakery’s Duchess of Muffins, has gone off the rails, she seemed to have lost control of her temper after catching her husband in bed with her high school nemesis; I would imagine that certainly would do it for me too. Her vindictive acts of retribution were landing her in jail, racking up $$ in fines, and landed her in anger management.   Her ex seemed to have ended up with all the friends but luckily for her, Tempest was befriended by a gorgeously handsome and well-sculpted new resident. Cage was a retired UFC fighter turned strip club bouncer – and he soon had her back, much to Tempest’s pious Bible banging mother’s horror.

Having been raised in a small, inbred town in the South, as well as surviving a ridiculously and stridently religious mother myself, I totally identified with the narrow-minded and petty small community complications and issues Tempest was floundering with. While I empathized with her plight, I frequently wanted to give her a few good kicks to dislodge her cranium from her colon. I was besotted and enamored with the sexy Cage; he was not at all what I would have expected from an MMA fighter, as he was highly intelligent, insightful, tenderhearted, patient, and my new BBF. Of course, being that he was perfect, he was like a unicorn and the type of man that could only exist on my Kindle.




As Mindy gets closer, she begins rubbing her hand over her belly, ensuring I know she’s with spawn, I mean, child. How far along is she anyway? The picnic wasn’t that long ago and she didn’t look pregnant then, did she? Maybe she did, but I was too shocked by the ring on her finger to notice? My mother would’ve said something to me when she broke the news about Mindy and Asher being married, so she must not have noticed either.


Maybe she just carries big… and early. Maybe she’s pregnant with multiples. That would be rich—I can’t even get pregnant with one, but Mindy Mitchell, husband stealer extraordinaire, can have my husband and all the babies.


All I know is that I have to stop gawking because Mindy is enjoying this way too much.


“Hey, Tempest. Soup for one, I presume?” Her smile is wide and condescending as she glances at the contents of my shopping cart.




“You know, I’ve been so busy lately that canned soup is all I have time for some nights. It’s not always the healthiest option, with all that sodium, but I’m fortunate to not retain water, like you obviously do.”


Really, Tempest? Is that the best put-down you can think of?


“I’m not bloated, silly.” She laughs, swatting the air in front of her face. “I’m pregnant! Of course, I don’t expect you to notice the difference.”


It’s illegal to hit a pregnant lady, Tempest.


She’s not worth the jail time.


Deep, cleansing breaths.


You don’t look good in orange.


“How far along are you?” I ask, willing myself to stay calm. “Elephants are pregnant, for what, two years?” I know I’m being immature, but I’m using my words and not my fists, so I’m calling it a win.


“Gah, you’re such a bitch. No wonder Asher wanted to leave you. At least I was able to give him what he wanted,” she brags, rubbing her belly even faster than before.


Maybe if she rubs a little more, a fucking genie will pop out, and I can at least get three wishes out of this deal. Wish one: Asher and Mindy disappear off the face of the planet.


“And,” she continues, “because I know it’s driving you crazy, I’ll let you in on the secret. I’m in my third trimester.” She smiles and squeals, like we’re BFFs and she just told me the best news. “Just a couple more months to go and this precious bundle of joy will be in the world… Asher is going to be such a great daddy.”


The blood drains from my face as I do the math in my head. Asher and I have been divorced for almost two months. I found them in bed together three months before that. Two plus three does not equal the amount of months it takes to be in the third trimester. I know my pregnancy facts.


Mindy just answered one of my many burning questions: that sack of shit was cheating on me months before I busted him.


And now, he’s having a baby with someone else.


Honestly, I don’t know how to feel right now… numb, blind-sided, furious, hurt?


All I know is I’m trying my damnedest not to lose my shit.


Deep breaths.


“Believe me,” Mindy says, breaking through the haze I’m in. “I tried and tried to get Asher to leave you before you found out about us on your own, but he didn’t listen.” She sighs, like she’s disappointed for me… like she’s on my side and she was trying to do me a favor. “Oh, well, life goes on, right?”


We enter into a bit of a staring competition for a brief moment, her bright, smiling eyes against my crazy, sadistic glare. I feel the crazy oozing out of me. When she finally starts to back her buggy up to make a U-turn in the aisle, she has the audacity to smile… and wink at me.


She’s the incarnation of Satan.


Asher and Mindy aren’t going to have a bouncing bundle of joy, they’re going to have a devil love child. I should alert the media. This has a horror movie written all over it.


“See you around, Tempest,” she says over her shoulder, before stopping and turning. “Oh, I guess I’ll see you at the reunion, if not before… and you’re bringing a date, right?”


Deep breaths, Tempest.


I don’t answer her with words, only with my glare, hoping it burns a hole in her skull.


You can do this.


Don’t let that cow win.


After she makes a turn onto another aisle, I take a few more deep breaths, willing my nerves to calm, and when that doesn’t work, I close my eyes and try harder. With my hands on my knees, I suck in air like it’s going extinct. My breathing becomes routine and I automatically start swaying my body in preparation for the Tai Chi moves that come next.


Cage has been teaching me a little bit of Tai Chi to further help channel my anger and anxiety and I have to admit, I love it. Completely forgetting where I am, I begin to perform my favorite combination of steps. If people see me, I don’t care. I’d rather them talk about me doing Tai Chi in the canned goods aisle than losing my shit at the Piggly Wiggly.


I’m finally feeling relaxed and in control of my emotions, so to celebrate my victory, I decide to throw a few punches into the air, similar to what Rocky Balboa did after running up all those stairs in the movie.


I am Tempest Cassidy, master of my emotions.


Thoroughly enjoying myself, I decide to end my impromptu workout with a killer roundhouse kick… right into a tower of Pork N Beans.


At first, it’s only a few cans. I lurch out, containing them in a lunge, looking around to see who might’ve witnessed my performance. Only a lady down at the other end of the aisle seems to be in the know. I breathe out a sigh of relief, feeling uncharacteristically lucky as I try to balance the cans and myself.


Just as I decide it’s safe to stand up, I lose my balance and the cans in my hands take a tumble… and then the entire end cap begins to fall.




Cans of Pork N Beans are rolling everywhere.


When everything finally comes to a rest, I’m sprawled out on the glossy tile of the Piggly Wiggly in aisle six, using my body as a dam to stop them from getting too far. I’m afraid to move… afraid to breathe…


About Jiffy Kate

Jiffy Kate is the joint pen name for Jiff Simpson and Jenny Kate Altman. They’re co-writing besties who share a brain. They also share a love of cute boys, stiff drinks, and fun times.

Together, they’ve written over twenty stories. Their first published book, Finding Focus, was released in November 2015. Since then, they’ve continued to write what they know–southern settings full of swoony heroes and strong heroines.

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Book Review: One Hundred Regrets (An Aspen Cove Romance #11) by Kelly Collins

One Hundred Regrets
(An Aspen Cove Romance #11)
 by Kelly Collins

Amazon US / UK / AU / CA 

Welcome back to Aspen Cove where the honey is sweet but true love is sweeter…

Beekeeper Abby Garrett lives a quiet life in the valley between Mt Meeker and Long’s Peak. While bee stings hurt, betrayal is far more painful. After her fiancé left her for her best friend, she came back home to Aspen Cove hoping to heal and find real love. No matter how hard she tries, love eludes her. The only man whose paying attention is her new neighbor, and Abby can’t decide if she’d rather kiss him or kill him.

Cade Mosier came to Aspen Cove ready to make his mark in the world. He purchased hundreds of acres to raise cattle on, but his new neighbor Abby Garrett wants him and his cows gone. No matter what he does to appease her, she insists his cattle are as dangerous to her bees as pesticides. His ex-wife left him years ago and took everything, and there’s no way he will let another woman steal his future. The problem is, Abby is as frustrating as she is fascinating.

Abby is the new Hatfield. Cade is the new McCoy. Can they call a truce long enough to realize love is far better than war?

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


 She slid into the booth across from him and sat there staring like she was analyzing a germ on a petri dish.

 She led him past the vast display of candy, and beyond the Croc and condom displays. He found it funny to put the rubbers next to the rubber shoes… “Is there a reason these are displayed together?” Doc stood in front of the aisle that held shoes and rubbers, pepper spray, Deet and Band-Aids. “It’s obvious. This is the protection aisle.”

 Not interested. Women are like a computer virus. They enter your life, download their problems, delete your happiness, and shut down your life. There is no software to protect you from their malware.”

 “I wouldn’t have sex with you if you were the last man on earth. You have nothing that interests me.” Every time she lied her right eye twitched. She pressed her fingers against her lid to stop the damn movement.

 She looks like trouble, and I’m not sure if I should shoot her or let her in.


My Review:

This was riotously fun and witty read, I giggle-snorted and smirked my way through from beginning to end. The bee lady was feisty, she was vastly more spirited than I was expecting for a practical recluse. Abby was up to scratch and full of clever retorts and inspired shenanigans in her feud with her antagonistic and sexy new neighbor. They verbally sparred, creatively baited, and amusingly pranked each other until their fiery exchanges had become the best part of their day and lead to a different type of heated encounter where they were also extremely well matched.   In addition to being thoroughly entertained, I learned several fascinating facts about beekeeping, although now I seem to have an exceptionally strong yen for a honey bun.   And there goes the diet… again!  😉




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International bestselling author of over 30 novels, Kelly Collins writes with the intention of keeping the love alive. Always a romantic, she blends real-life events with her vivid imagination to create characters and stories that lovers of contemporary romance, new adult, and romantic suspense will return to again and again.

Book Review: Tacker (Arizona Vengeance, Book #5) by Sawyer Bennett

Tacker (Arizona Vengeance, Book #5)
Sawyer Bennett
Release Date: November 5, 2019


I am not okay.

Fifteen months ago, my life was turned upside down when the plane I was piloting went down. Injured and trapped in the wreckage, I had to watch my fiancée die a painfully slow death, which is something that can really mess with your head.

Since that day, I’ve had little desire to do much of anything. Except play hockey, that is. Because that is the one place where the bad memories are banished and I can escape my pain.

But off the ice, I’m spiraling out of control. Losing the grip on my life and putting myself and my career in danger. Now, thanks to a string of bad decisions, I’ve been ordered to complete therapy in order to stay on the team.

The problem? Nora Wayne, my beautiful and somewhat unconventional therapist. I can’t buy into the brand of happy-clappy crap this woman is feeding me. What could she possibly understand about the type of loss that I’ve suffered? How does she know anything about finding happiness after losing the most important person in your life?

Turns out, I’ve got a lot to learn, and she’s just the person I need to break through those walls I’ve erected.

I am not okay.
But for the first time in a long time, I know that I will be.

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My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


“You hurt her, and I will kill you. Even though I like you, I will kill you very dead. Take your body out in the desert and dump it. No one will find you.” I don’t laugh. He’s quite serious, and I respect him for it. “I’ll do my best.”


“Just be quiet,” I snap. “Or I’m going to call MaryBeth Henson to come and watch over you this afternoon while I go feed the horses.” A slight tinge of fear seeps into Raul’s expression. She showed up yesterday with a bag of knitting, then promptly sat in one of the other guest chairs and glared at Raul the entire time, almost daring him to get sicker.


My Review:


This story was a heart-squeezer with both main characters having suffered devastating losses, and also dealt with heavy issues and concerns with thoughtful insights and perception. While the emotional tone was often angsty and melancholy, clever hits of humor and bone-melting sensual steam restored the balance and kept the story from being maudlin. Written in my favorite dual POV, the storylines were relevant, well-paced, observantly detailed, and featured likable and endearing characters. I appreciated the comradery, compassion, and the considerate and supportive nature of the relationships between all the characters.


About the Author:
Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released multiple books, many of which have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists.

A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real-life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active daughter, as well as full-time servant to her adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or even better, both.

Sawyer also writes general and women’s fiction under the pen name S. Bennett and sweet romance under the name Juliette Poe.

Connect with Sawyer:

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Book Review: Love in Due Time (Green Valley Library #1) by L.B. Dunbar


Love in Due Time, an all-new second chance romantic comedy from L.B. Dunbar is available now!


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Love in Due Time

(Green Valley Library #1)

by L.B. Dunbar

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Naomi Winters will be forty—soon-ish—and she’s only been with one man. One night. One time. Long ago. She believes everything happens for a reason, and the universe spoke about Nathan Ryder.

Nathan Ryder isn’t the same man who hightailed his bike out of Green Valley eighteen years ago. As a rule breaker, women are one area he acts a fool. Case in point…the local librarian. He can’t get a read on her, but she’s one risk he’s willing to take. Again.

What do an eccentric librarian and a sexy silver biker have in common? More than you think.

The due date on their love might not be expired after all.

‘Love in Due Time’ is a full-length, contemporary romantic comedy, can be read as a standalone, and is book#1 in the Green Valley Library series.


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My Rating:

Favorite Quote:


I don’t want any second-guesses about my intentions. Only second chances.


My Review:


This captivating tale was unusually cast and singularly crafted. It featured a second chance romance for a tenderhearted small-town Wiccan librarian that was circling forty, socially awkward, peculiarly clad, and practically a virgin – how more original or creative could a premise be? Written in my favorite dual POV, the writing was thoughtfully observant, painstakingly insightful, and fraught with angst, interpersonal and familial conflicts, throbbing loins, sexual tension, and decades of regret as well as unexpected slivers of amusing and smirk-worthy levity amidst all that other stuff. The wily Ms. Dunbar has brought her uniquely gifted skill set to Smartypants Romance for an engaging, somewhat arduous, highly evocative, and uncommonly satisfying fusion of synergy.


“Naomi?” My hands cover her shoulders, holding her steady.

“This is all my fault.” Her eyes widen, the widest I’ve ever seen. Panic fills them.

“What do you mean?”

“I … I can’t believe this happened again.” Her hands come to my chest, and she gently pushes at me. “You have to get out of here.”

“What?” My brows pinch at the harsh tone.

“You need to go. I can’t be near you.” Her voice struggles to stay level.

Ouch. That stings a little.

“Why?” I take one step back under the force of her hands.

“I can’t be around you. This can’t happen.”

“Lady, what are you talking about?” My voice roughens.

“Bad things always happen after I’m with you.”

I stiffen, straightening to my full height. My arms cross and I glare down at her. Saying such a thing is just downright mean. Her head shakes as her fingers curl along the open edges of my work jacket. Suddenly, I feel like she’s tugging me to her instead of pressing me away.

What the …

“When I’m with you, something happens. Something bad.” Her breath catches. “Because we kissed, the library is closing.”

I stare at her. She can’t be serious, but I see the hysteria in her eyes, like a rabid, trapped animal. She actually believes what she says.

“Well, we didn’t kiss,” I remind her, my tone stern and condescending. “I kissed you, remember? And you didn’t kiss me back, so I don’t think it counts.”

She glares up at me, her fingers still gripping my open jacket. Her shoulders fall, her head lowers, and it’s as if I can visibly see her relax, like water cascading down a building, washing over her.

Exhale. Settle.

Exhale. Calm.

“I didn’t kiss you back?” she questions and then her head pops up again. She nearly shrieks with the hesitant realization. Commence inhaling, like she’s winding up again. Full steam ahead.

“I didn’t kiss you back,” she repeats, her excitement growing. Another exaggerated inhale.

“I didn’t kiss you back!” Now, she’s just downright gloating, and the engine’s ready to blow.

“You don’t have to sound so pleased,” I murmur. I glance up and notice Mrs. MacIntyre watching us through the window of the librarian’s office behind the check-out counter. Her eyes narrow and I’m certain we’re making too much noise for her liking.

“I … I’m so relieved,” Naomi admits, her head falling forward, her fingers loosening on my jacket. Then her face turns up again. Her lids lift, slow and lazy. Her mouth curls in sweet relief, and she pulls herself up on her toes by the open edge of my jacket and does the damnedest thing. She kisses me.


About L.B. Dunbar

L.B. Dunbar loves the sweeter things in life: cookies, Coca-Cola, and romance. Her reading journey began with a deep love of fairy tales, medieval knights, Regency debauchery, and alpha males. She loves a deep belly laugh and a strong hug. Occasionally, she has the energy of a Jack Russell terrier. Accused—yes, that’s the correct word—of having an overactive imagination, to her benefit, such an imagination works well. Author of over two dozen novels, she’s created sweet, small-town worlds; rock star mayhem; MMA chaos; sexy rom-coms for the over 40; and intrigue on an island of redemption. In addition, she is earning a title as the “myth and legend lady” for her modernizations of mythology as elda lore. Her other duties in life include mother to four children and wife to the one and only.


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