Book Review, Giveaway: Take A Number by Amy Daws

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When Norah needs a date for her parent’s anniversary party and Dean needs a date for his best friend’s wedding, the two agree to something that can help them both out of a bind: Fake Dating.
The only problem? Highly flammable chemistry.
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Author: Amy Daws
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: October 15, 2020
Cover Designer: Amy Daws
Cover Photographer: Wander Aguiar
Cover Model:
Philippe Belanger

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Take A Number-front-no apple

Fake dating the cute owner of a bakery Dean is an investor in sounds kind of messy…but messy can be fun.

Norah Donahue wants bakeries not babies, but her matchmaking mother won’t stop trying to play Cupid.

Dean Moser is a cocky stock market savant whose friends are all settling down, leaving Boulder’s infamous ladies’ man all alone.

When Norah needs a fake date for her parents’ anniversary party, her new silent investor is the perfect guy for the job. It seems like a foolproof plan…

That is until Norah decides to break her biggest rule and lock lips with Dean in the middle of the party to spite her meddling mother.

Turns out that Dean and Norah’s chemistry is sizzling hot, and mixing business with pleasure could turn out to be a recipe for disaster.

Or maybe they can have their cake and eat it too

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My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Books are my life. Of course I want the book nerd to end up with another book nerd. That is basically porn in my world.


But that girl had nothing going on upstairs. She thought Ebola was a country.


You look so put together and professional, and then you open your mouth and ruin everything.


He’s made my mother stop speaking to me for five blissful days, so he deserves free croinuts for life.


Trust me, I write erotica for a living… I’m basically a doctor of boning.


I’ve heard good things about Kegels. I, on the other hand, am really hoping for a C-section situation for our future children so I can keep it all high and tight down yonder. I’m not a fan of cardio, and Kegels seem dangerously close to cardio.


My Review:


I giggled-snorted and smirked my way through this crisply written wit-fest, it was stuffed with many of my favorite things like quirky characters, clever storylines, delectably volcanic chemistry, snarky banter, and delightfully irreverent humor.   Shortly after starting my perusal, the room fell away and I was sucked right into Ms. Daws’s cleverly contrived vortex of sugar, flour, and copious servings of delicious spice. I was reluctant to return to my banal life, which is sadly devoid of the main character’s ingenious baked signature creation of scrumptious croinuts. I have enjoyed imbibing in every installment of this lively series and while each could be read as a standalone, you’d be crazy to miss out on a single word this vivacious scribe has scribbled.



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Amy Daws is an Amazon Top 13 bestselling author of sexy, contemporary romance novels. She enjoys writing love stories that take place in America, as well as across the pond in England. When Amy is not writing in a tire shop waiting room, she’s watching Gilmore Girls, or singing karaoke in the living room with her daughter while Daddy smiles awkwardly from a distance. For more of Amy’s work, visit:

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Book Review: Just One Glance (Oh Tequila #5) by C.A. Harms @Charms0814 @limitlessbooks

Just One Glance
(Oh Tequila #5)
by C.A. Harms

The quiet one. Yep, that was me. The brother that rarely said anything and instead, stood back and observed. That is until too much tequila and very little thought had me swinging my junk around in the middle of a crowded college party. Hell, I even wore tassels in areas tassels should never be placed. Let’s just say, the hashtag #dicksaswinging will follow me around forever. You may have heard it a time or two already.

In my defense, things like that happened all the time because I lived in more of a zoo than an actual fraternity house. It just never happened to me. Suffice to say, I learned my lesson.

Seeing Ruby amidst all the chaos was certainly unexpected and it stopped everything around me. The room suddenly went quiet and everyone else disappeared. She stood out—the timid way she worried her hands and the way she looked around, almost as if she was ready to run away.

As I got to know her, I realized she was nothing like the girls I normally dated. She was quiet, innocent, and sweet. She was the complete opposite of me and if I was a better man, I would walk away. But I’m not and I can’t.

And to think, all it took was Just One Glance and everything changed.

My Rating:

Favorite Quote:


… you are wound so flipping tight you squeak when you walk.


My Review:


Oh swoon, I was enamored this sweet couple and relished their tender romance that turned a timid and quiet nebbish of a girl into a confident takes what she needs hottie. This lovely pair could have been in a contest for who had the world’s worst dad, but she would win as her dad was a total waste of skin. Written in my favorite dual POV, the storylines were easy to follow, well-balanced between angst, humor, family drama, and a thoughtful and solicitous blossoming relationship that even involved a session of kissing and dancing in the rain – sigh.

The tale held my attention despite the tease and slow burn of their sensual attraction with a plethora of pranks and frat boy hijinks to keep me entertained. Given his startling and infamous performance in earlier installments, Jay was not at all as I would have expected him to be. I adored him and his hero tendencies. And given the taunt Ms. Harms threw down on the final pages for the couple featured in the next installment, I am already impatient and greedy for the next book.



About The Author



I am an Illinois girl, born and raised. Simple and true. I love the little things; they truly mean the most. I may have a slight addiction to my new Keurig—oh my, that thing is a godsend. And so fast too. I have two children who truly are the greatest part of my days, and their faces never fail to put a smile on my face. I have been married to my best friend for seventeen years and looking forward to many more.

I am one of those authors that adore my readers. I love to hear from you. After all, it is because of each one of you that I continue to write.



Book Review: What If? by Shari Low  @sharilow @rararesources  @BoldwoodBooks

What If?
by Shari Low

Amazon  / B&N / Apple / GP/

The book that started it all! A classic retro rom-com from #1 bestselling author Shari Low.

Carly Cooper is 30, single, and after coming close to saying ‘I Do’ to six different men, she’s wondering if she accidentally said ‘goodbye’ to Mr. Right.

But there is a problem.

Her ex-boyfriends are scattered all over the world and Carly lives in 1999; an era before Facebook, Google, smartphones, 4G, and Broadband, when it was impossible to track people down with a few clicks of a mouse.

On a mission to discover if she walked away from her ‘happy ever after’, Carly quits her job, her flat, her whole life and sets off on a quest to track down all the men she has ever loved.
Her Mr. Right is out there, but can she find him?

And what if he’s moved on from the ex-girlfriend who said goodbye?


A wonderful classic 20th-anniversary re-release.

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


I can’t help thinking, ‘What if this is it?’ What if this is the way my life is going to be until I’m having Zimmer races up and down the corridor of my retirement home, flirting with old men and cheating at bingo?


I once overheard a woman on a bus saying that he’s the guy that she would nominate to look for her G-spot and not care if he didn’t find it.


He’s been chucked more times than an Olympic javelin… when girls look at Michael, they see a tall, almost good -looking guy, with an eccentric dress sense and ‘Sucker’ tattooed on his forehead… His goddess is definitely out there, I tell him, he’s just going to the wrong temples.


Every time my mother cast eyes on me, she clasped a damp cloth to her brow and muttered that I had obviously inherited my lack of scruples from my dad’s side of the family. She even took to praying for me at mass. I tried to console her with the thought that Mary Magdalene had been a bit of a tart and God forgave her, but it fell on deaf ears.


Carol looks at her watch. ‘I do believe it’s happy hour,’ she exclaims. ‘Carol, it’s only two o’clock.’ ‘Well, I’m happy and two o’clock is as good an hour as any.


They can’t decide on names for the babies. We suggested ‘American’ and ‘Express’; at least then she’ll bond with them immediately.

My Review:


I adored this irreverently amusing and cleverly crafted book and am now totally enamored with the vastly witty and agile writing style of the wordsmith Shari Low. I had read her work once before and now I remember why I had added to my list of favorite authors and placed every book on her Goodreads listing to my clinically obese TBR.

Written from the singular POV of the ever-resilient and appallingly fickle yet infinitely endearing Carly Cooper who was in the midst of a midlife crisis while facing down multiple issues including her single status, a tattered litany of failed relationships, and the approaching milestone of age-thirty while in the throes of the millennium bug.   This being a re-release of Ms. Low’s first book and written in 1999, there were popular culture references and levity that anyone born in this century may not fully grasp that involved the media, Betamax tapes, CDs, Margaret Thatcher, the Y2K bug, 80’s hair and shoulder pads, and huge cell phones. Being so old that I rode to school on a dinosaur while the earth’s crust was cooling, I had no such problem and lapped it up like a graceless glutton at an all you can eat buffet. I continue to covet my bloated TBR listing of her page, as I am a chronically relapsing dieter with a sweet tooth for clever wit.

About the Author

Shari Low is the #1 bestselling author of over 25 novels, including One Day In Summer and My One Month Marriage and a collection of parenthood memories called Because Mummy Said So. She lives near Glasgow.

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Book Review: Imagine With Me by Kristen Proby @Handbagjunkie

Imagine With Me by Kristen Proby is now live! 

From New York Times Bestselling author Kristen Proby comes an all new novel in her beloved With Me In Seattle series! Shawn O’Callaghan loves his job as a screenwriter almost as much as he loves his family. But this latest project could quite possibly test his patience beyond anything he’s ever had to endure. Generally unflappable, the author he’s thrown into the trenches with pushes every button he has. Sometimes twice. And it doesn’t help that he can’t stop thinking about her in ways that are anything but professional. But how can he help it? The brunette is gorgeous beyond reason–and utterly infuriating.


Bestselling author Lexi Perry is finally about to leave her mark on the world; after all, seeing her dark and dangerous words brought to life is a dream come true. Until she meets the man who is supposed to make that happen. From the minute they laid eyes on each other, it was clear there would be tension, but she had no idea how much until they got down to business. He obviously doesn’t understand her vision. Though she’s having trouble lately too, given all she can picture is what he looks like under his clothes and imagining what it would sound like if he talked dirty to her in that sexy Irish lilt of his. If they can find a way to meet in the middle, this movie could be one for the ages. As could their love.

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My Rating:

My Review:


I discovered this author just recently and haven’t read most of her series, but I have greatly enjoyed the ones that I have picked up. Each can stand alone yet the infinitely likable and highly appealing characters and their storylines appear and carry over in most of the installments. Written in my favorite dual POV, the storylines were engaging, easy to follow, low in angst, and sizzled with adult sensuality. I adored the featured couple of Shawn and Lexi, they scorched the sheets and undoubtedly, the ceiling tiles as well.


“What do you do, Lexi?”

“I’m a writer.”

Archer lifts a brow and turns to the man next to him. “Oh? Shawn’s also a writer. What do you write?”

“Novels,” I say and turn to the screenwriter, but he holds up a hand, stopping me.

“I’m not here to entertain any new projects tonight,” Shawn says, immediately cutting me off.

He thinks I’m trying to network with him? To get him to read something I’ve written and further my career?

Well, screw him.

My face goes from friendly to cold in a heartbeat. Luke sighs.

This is a fantastic way to start this working relationship.

“That’s convenient,” I say, ice dripping from every damn word. “I’m not here to pitch a project to you, Mr. O’Callaghan. I know who you are, but it’s not terribly important to me. I do fine all on my own. Have a good night, gentlemen.”

I give a curt nod and turn away, my heels clicking on the hardwood floor as I make a hasty retreat.

I want to get out of here.

The audacity! What a jerk. I was already nervous about being here. Now, I get the disappointment of knowing I have to work with a conceited ass who’s clearly completely full of himself.


I don’t turn around.


A hand lightly latches on to my elbow, and I turn to find Shawn staring down at me, his mouth set in a grim line.

“I owe you an apology. I didn’t know you were Nora, the author I’ll be working with over the next few weeks.”

“If you’d known, you would have been polite?”

He winces. “Again, I apologize. It’s been a shit day, and I was trying to avoid work talk. Not my finest moment.”

“No.” I glance down at the elbow he’s still holding hostage. He lets go. “It wasn’t. Have a good evening, Mr. O’Callaghan. I’ll see you on Monday.”


But I don’t turn back. I know I’ll have cooled down by the time I see Shawn again. I won’t be embarrassed. My feet won’t be killing me.

For now, I want to hide.

I’m so far out of my comfort zone, I couldn’t find it with a map.

Meet Kristen

Kristen Proby has published more than forty titles, many of which have hit the USA Today, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists. She continues to self publish, best known for her With Me In Seattle and Boudreaux series and is also proud to work with William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins, with the Fusion and Romancing Manhattan Series. Kristen and her husband, John, make their home in her hometown of Whitefish, Montana with their two cats.

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Book Review: Her Aussie Holiday (Patterson’s Bluff #2) by Stefanie London @entangledpublishing @stefanielondon

Her Aussie Holiday
(Patterson’s Bluff #2)
by Stefanie London 

Amazon / B&NGP/ Apple 

Mass Market Paperback: 330 Pages

Publisher: Entangled: Amara (August 25, 2020)

The Holiday meets Property Brothers in this head over heels romantic comedy full of humor and heart, with a charming Aussie setting.

Cora Cabot’s life is falling apart. So when her Australian friend announces she’s secured an internship in the States, Cora has a brilliant idea: house swap! Small-town Australia sounds like the perfect getaway. Only, when she gets there, the house isn’t empty. Turns out her friend’s hot Australian brother is staying there, too—and he doesn’t look happy to see her.

The last thing Trent Walters needs is a roommate for the summer. Especially an American who immediately floods the house and single-handedly destroys the family project his sister created for their parents’ anniversary. Now, not only does Cora insist on helping fix the house, he needs her help re-creating the family scrapbook. And glitter is not his forte.

But between late nights cooking, pints at the local pub, and competitive matches of cricket on the beach, Cora starts to break through Trent’s defenses. Too bad Cora made a promise to return to working with her father at the end of the summer—a promise she can’t break—because this holiday is starting to feel like one she never wants to end.

Each book in the Patterson’s Bluff series is STANDALONE:
* The Aussie Next Door
* Her Aussie Holiday


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Cora’s childhood could be best summed up as: may result in therapy.


Seriously? Did you hop into the DeLorean and travel back to high school?


I am the least creative person in my family. Seriously, my Christmas decorations were so bad as a kid, I caught my mum hiding them around the back of the tree whenever we had guests over… I can’t blame her. My ‘Christmas rocket’ really did look like a sparkly dick.


“I’ve heard about this.” Cora wrinkled her nose as the traffic-sign-yellow label on the jar of mysterious dark brown stuff. “Tell me, do Aussies really eat this or is it a mean prank you play on tourists?” Nick gasped and pressed a hand to his chest… “Excuse me,” he said, “but Vegemite is a national delicacy.”


My Review:


I’m enjoying this amusing yet thoughtfully written series with the second installment being just as entertaining and engaging as the first. The books are standalone yet involve the same family members and continue on from the previous publication. The storylines were relatable and held my interest with family drama, a sizzling new romance, Aussie assimilation, and amusing humor. The characters were uniquely flawed yet endearing, admirably hardworking, and highly likable human beings.   As this brother turned out to be the opposite of what I was expecting, I am looking forward to seeing what this clever author does with the next family member.

About the Author

About Stefanie London

Stefanie London is a multi-award-winning, USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romances and romantic comedies.

Stefanie’s books have been called “genuinely entertaining and memorable” by Booklist, and “Elegant, descriptive and delectable” by RT magazine. Her stories have won multiple industry awards, including the HOLT Medallion and OKRWA National Reader’s Choice Award, and she has been nominated for the Romance Writers of America RITA award.

Originally from Australia, Stefanie now lives in Toronto with her very own hero and is currently in the process of doing her best to travel the world. She frequently indulges in her passions for good coffee, lipstick, romance novels, and anything zombie-related.

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Book Review: ENGAGEMENT AND ESPIONAGE (Solving for Pie: Cletus and Jenn Mysteries #1)by Penny Reid

EaE- BT banner

Engagement and Espionage, an all-new quirky and swoon-worthy romantic comedy featuring fan favorites Jenn and Cletus Winston from New York Times bestselling author Penny Reid is available now! 



Jennifer Sylvester made her deal with the devil . . . and now they’re engaged!

But all is not well in Green Valley. A chicken choker is on the loose, 61 dead birds most “fowl” need plucking, and no time remains for Jennifer and her devilish fiancé. Desperate to find a spare moment together, Jenn and Cletus’s attempts to reconnect are thwarted by one seemingly coincidental disaster after another. It’s not long before Cletus and Jenn see a pattern emerge and the truth becomes clear.


Will an undercover mission unmask the culprit? Or are these love-birds totally plucked?

‘Engagement and Espionage’ is the first book in the Solving for Pie: Cletus and Jenn Mysteries series is a full-length cozy mystery, and is a spin-off of Penny Reid’s Winston Brothers series. This novel is best read after ‘Beard Science,’ Winston Brothers #3.


Download your copy today! 

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My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Good Lord, now I’d offended his serene layers.


Chicken sausage? I didn’t grimace, and that was a miracle. Chicken sausage was akin to turkey bacon, an abomination.


That old man is mean as a badger with half a brain.


My Review:


This was a fun, engaging, and pleasurably engrossing read with healthy servings of mystery, family drama, and romance. Oddly sinister crimes were occurring in Green Valley and surprisingly, it all started with choked chickens and had nothing to do with the criminal elements that typically plagued the community. The mystery was artfully plotted and shrewdly paced with clever lashings of levity, crisp witty banter, and profoundly insightful and amusing inner musings and observations of human nature. I adored this well-matched and quirky couple in a previous series and am gleefully anticipating a continuation of their story with their brainy conundrums and unique and peculiar family complications.



“Don’t stop.” She reached for my belt again, this time completely undoing it, the button of my pants, and my zipper at world-record speed.

Her phone buzzed. Then it chimed. Then it buzzed and chimed two more times. Then it rang again. Reba.

Cursing, Jenn pulled the phone from her pocket, once again her face illuminated, murderous rage in her eyes. Her finger moved to the power off button. She blinked, hesitating. Her eyes widened, her body stiffened, and she gasped.


Something about her tone, like she was horrified, and maybe a little afraid, cut through the heavy haze of lust inertia, and my hands stilled. Shaking myself, it took me a few moments to realize she was showing me the phone screen, and another few to bring the content of the text messages into focus.


Momma: Jennifer Anne Sylvester, pick up your phone. If you’re with Cletus, I need his help. Please.


Momma: I’m calling you in a second, pick up the phone. Mr. Badcock’s chickens are dead. All of them. I got here and he’s running around, deranged, yelling about his dead chickens! I called the police and they’re on their way. Please, please, please pick up the phone!


At some point, I must’ve taken the phone from Jenn and stepped away, because I glanced up upon reading the messages for the third time, finding the phone in my hand and Jenn fixing her skirt.

“This is nuts.” Her big eyes searched mine imploringly. “Who could have done this?”

I shook my head, having not yet managed to fully shift head gears—you know, from that head to the one on my neck—and my gaze dropped to the wet patch on the front of her dress just visible in the swath of light. My erection throbbed.

So we’re . . . not having sex?

“Why? Why would they do it? And WHO?” She snatched her phone back, her tone bewildered, distracted, and distraught. She was distraught because of the dead chickens, like any normal person would be.

I was distraught also, but my distress had nothing to do with farm animals.

“We have to go.” Jenn grabbed my hand and began walking toward the direction of the hall. Meanwhile, it took me until her hand found the door handle to realize my zipper and belt were still undone.

“This is crazy.” She paused as I zipped up, her tone halting and distracted. “Poor Mr. Badcock. And those poor chickens.” A sound of distress escaped her throat. “This is terrible.”

It was terrible.

And I was going to hell.

Because all I could think was, Talk about a cock block.


Meet Penny Reid:
Penny Reid is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Best Selling Author of the Winston Brothers, Knitting in the City, Rugby, and Hypothesis series. She used to spend her days writing federal grant proposals as a biomedical researcher, but now she just writes books. She’s also a full-time mom to three diminutive adults, wife, daughter, knitter, crocheter, sewer, general crafter, and thought ninja.

Connect with Penny: 

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Book Review: The Subway Girl by Lisa Becker 

The Subway Girl
by Lisa Becker 


Amazon US / UK / CA / AU

A hopeless romantic.
A cynical web show producer.
An unscrupulous cameraman.
A sleazy businessman.
An aspiring actress.
A womanizing best friend.
A scheming ex-girlfriend.
A commitment-phobic roommate.
An unlucky-in-love buddy.These lives intersect when an average guy is awed by a gorgeous mystery woman on a New York subway and vows to meet her.

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


“Three G-er?” asked Diego. “You know. Like Luke here,” Ryan said. “Get in. Get off. Get out.”


There’s the telephone. The telegraph. And the tell Edna.


I also cut the crotch out of his favorite Tom Ford suit. Figured since he couldn’t keep it in his pants, I would make sure he wouldn’t be able to keep it in his pants.


“Sometimes, I wonder just how well I really know you,” Ryan said. “I’m an enigma.” Luke shrugged. “That is true,” said Ryan. Diego quietly chuckled to himself. Luke scowled. “I said enigma, not enema.”


Okay, here’s the plan. We’re gonna spend five minutes sharing our feelings like a bunch of teenage girls, and then we’re gonna go do a bunch of manly shit like chop down a tree with a crosscut saw…


My parents have been married so long that Mom finishes most of Dad’s sentences. She also starts most of them and fills in the middle, too.


“If he ever hurts you,” she said, gesturing to her brother, “tell me, so I can kick him in the balls.” Ryan winced and shook his head. “No worry,” said Angie. Ryan sagged in relief. “I’ll cut them off well before you would ever get the chance.”


My Review:


This was smirk-worthy good fun with lots of clever humor, witty banter, amusing scenarios, vile villains, and a few side orders of sensual steam that had me breathing funny. The characters were endearing and likable although Angie’s professional choices weren’t admirable in the least. I vastly enjoyed the levity provided by banter and exchanges of Ryan, Luke, and Diego and look forward to more of their interactions in subsequent installments.


About the Author

Lisa Becker is an award-winning romance writer who spends her time like she spends her money – on books and margaritas. As Lisa’s grandmother used to say, “For every chair, there’s a tush.” Lisa is now happily married to a wonderful man she met online and lives in Manhattan Beach, California with him and their two daughters. So, if it happened for her, there’s hope for anyone! You can share your love stories with her at

Author: StarfishLinks, and Clutch

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Book Review: After All (Romancing Manhattan #3) by Kristen Proby

After All (Romancing Manhattan #3) by Kristen Proby

The last sizzling novel in Kristen Proby’s Romancing Manhattan series finds a widower falling deeply in love again with a woman who has scars of her own.

After All by USA Today, New York Times, & Wall Street Journal bestseller, Kristen Proby, is now live

When Carter Shaw’s wife died five years ago, he was left to pick up the pieces not only of his own broken heart but also that of his devastated eight-year-old daughter, Gabby—leaving him with no time for anything else, let alone dating. But recently, Carter has noticed women again and soon even begins dating. No one has stuck around for long, mostly thanks to one very angry Gabby.

Nora Hayes has worked as Carter’s assistant for years. Recently divorced herself, Nora spends many hours at the office and helping Carter with his daughter whom she adores. Despite loving her job and being wrapped up in the Shaw family, Nora’s never given her handsome, kind workaholic boss a second thought, especially in the romance department.

But then the snowstorm of the century hits, and Nora finds herself stranded at work with Carter overnight. And suddenly, she sees Carter in a whole new, sexy light. The sadness that’s lived in his eyes for so long has now been replaced with pure, unadulterated lust—and Nora isn’t quite sure what to do about it. For after the pain of her divorce, she never thought she would give love a second chance.

Carter and Nora have always believed in never combining business with pleasure. But how can they possibly deny the all-consuming chemistry between them…?

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My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:

  I have hard copies of everything, in case the power goes out or there’s a zombie apocalypse. Prepared is an understatement for what I am.   “I beg your pardon,” Mary demands just as Sienna snickers beside me. “You can beg for it, but I’m not going to give it,” I reply,   That man is hotter than July in Hades.   I don’t think anything in the world compares to the venom a twelve-year-old can spew in your face. Maybe I should call my own mother and apologize for once being twelve myself.   I’ve never loved anyone else the way I do you, Nora. You will never know a day when you’re unloved by me, because your soul is so tangled in mine, there will never be a time that I’d let you go.


My Review:

  Oh, swoon, I adore Kristen Proby, her characters are always an entertaining mix of smart and sassy as well as being a bit frayed and endearingly flawed. I was besotted with this couple, they were swoon and smirk-worthy with a sweet and steamy yet well functioning boss/employee relationship.   The painfully handsome single-dad boss was lost without his plucky assistant – during and after hours.   Written in my favorite dual POV, the engaging storylines were fresh, amusing, and relatable as well as hitting all the feels between the sizzle, clever banter, and the heavier and more volatile family issues. I had not read the previous installments in this enticing series and didn’t need to, although I am definitely feeling the pull to delve into them as well.  

About Kristen:

Kristen was born and raised in a small resort town in her beloved Montana. In her mid-twenties, she decided to stretch her wings and move to the Pacific Northwest, where she made her home for more than a dozen years. During that time, Kristen wrote many romance novels and joined organizations such as RWA and other small writing groups. She spent countless hours in workshops and more mornings than she can count up before the dawn so she could write before going to work. She submitted many manuscripts to agents and editors alike but was always told no. In the summer of 2012, the self-publishing scene was new and thriving, and Kristen had one goal: to publish just one book. It was something she longed to cross off of her bucket list. Not only did she publish one book, but she’s also since published close to thirty titles, many of which have hit the USA Today, New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists. She continues to self publish, best known for her With Me In Seattle and Boudreaux series and is also proud to work with William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins, with the Fusion Series. Kristen and her husband, John, make their home in her hometown of Whitefish, Montana with their two pugs and two cats.

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Book Review: Wild Wedding Hookup by Jamie K. Schmidt


Wild Wedding Hookup
by Jamie K. Schmidt 

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A South Beach bachelor party stirs up a scorching affair in USA TODAY bestselling author Jamie K. Schmidt’s Wild Wedding Hookup!

Concierge Mikelina Presley works for a luxurious resort club in sunny South Beach, Florida. She’s thrilled to land a two-week booking for a bachelor party at one of the resort’s most expensive villas—not least because the fiery chemistry between her and best man Bastian Ainsworth is deliciously tempting.

When the groom-to-be suddenly disappears, Mikelina and Bastian team up to find him, bringing them closer together. Their irresistible desire for each other is dangerously distracting, but the stakes are high for both of them: if they don’t bring back the runaway bachelor, Bastian’s little sister will have her heartbroken. And Mikelina’s resort stands to lose out on the group’s lucrative booking—which would be devastating for her career.

As the search takes them all over South Beach’s sexiest hideaways, their racy fling becomes something much deeper and Mikelina finds herself falling for Bastian. But she hasn’t told him everything about her past, and a shameful secret weighs heavy on her mind… Can their passionate affair survive the truth?

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


I wish I was a delicate little flower that glistened when she perspired. Instead, I sweat like a warthog.


But to be honest, spontaneity gives me hives. I’d rather plan out my spontaneity.


Did you just quote Star Wars back at me? That’s like nerd foreplay. First Doctor Who and then this.


My Review:


Oh snap, ignore the cheesy title as clutch the pearls, this sexy sizzler was so deliciously steamy I was gasping for breath and desperately grasping for any and all liquid libations to rehydrate. I adored this lovely couple as they were well matched and had excellent chemistry, snappy banter, and superhuman stamina – especially for people who hadn’t been in any type of relationship for over a year. The storylines were fresh, interesting, and amusingly entertaining while the characters were uniquely engaging as well as alluring. This was my first exposure to the smooth and evocatively salacious word skills of Jamie K. Schmidt and she is naughty good as well as good and naughty.


About the Author

USA Today bestselling author, Jamie K. Schmidt, writes erotic contemporary love stories and paranormal romances. Her steamy, romantic comedy Life’s a Beach reached #65 on USA Today, #2 on Barnes & Noble and #9 on Amazon. Her Club Inferno series from Random House’s Loveswept line has hit both the Amazon and Barnes & Noble top one hundred lists and the first book in the series, Heat put her on the USA Today bestseller list. Her dragon paranormal romance series from Entangled Publishing, has been called “fun and quirky” and “endearing.” Partnered with New York Times bestselling author and former porn actress, Jenna Jameson, Jamie’s hardcover debut, SPICE, continues Jenna’s FATE trilogy.

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Book Review: Fortuity (Transcend, #3) by Jewel E. Ann

 Fortuity (Transcend, #3)
by Jewel E. Ann

Fortuity, an all-new inspirational and moving standalone contemporary romance from Wall Street Journal bestselling author Jewel E. Ann, is available now! 

Fortuity-Amazon (1)

Forty-something Gracelyn Glock is living the dream.
No husband.
No retirement plan.
And since her self-imposed man-ban—no need to shave above her knees.

After a tragic accident, Gracelyn inherits her ten-year-old nephew. She signs a lease on a San Diego beach house and learns their neighbors for the summer are a sexy anatomy professor and his young daughter.

Professor Nathaniel Hunt has spent the last decade being a single dad . . . and not having sex.

So when he discovers Gracelyn has a peculiar outdoor stripping ritual, a million inappropriate thoughts fill his responsible mind.

When kisses are stolen, man-bans are broken, and summer comes to an end, will hearts stay in one piece and hope stay alive? Or will saying goodbye destroy everything?


Download your copy today or read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited!


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


I’m retired from men. A series of unfortunate events forced me into early retirement. Death. Cheating. Houdini at the altar. I’m lucky like that.


“I’ve never had a boyfriend. And you haven’t had a girlfriend since Mom. It would be nice to practice a little before I start school this fall.” “Practice?” I tilt my head to the side. “Yes. If I get a boyfriend in school, I don’t want him to think I don’t know what I’m doing.” Kill. Me. Now… “It’s like when you try to get me to try something new to eat and I say I don’t like it. You say I can’t know that until I taste it. Well … I need a taste of a boyfriend.”


“It was the third strike. Three men have crushed me. I’ve officially retired from dating. I call it a man ban… How many strikes do you have?” I drum my fingers on the table. His lips corkscrew for a few seconds. “Two.” “See.”I point a finger at him. “You have one more chance. Don’t let it go to waste.” “Mmm …if that’s the case, I think I’ll save my third chance for the nursing home… Why not? A younger woman of course. Some hottie in her late eighties with her own teeth and who still wears red lipstick.” My smile threatens to crack my face. “Not me. If I had my last chance to use in the nursing home, I’d seduce a male nurse. We’d be the topic of all the gossip, and the other old biddies would hate me…”


Before I had the chance to fall in love. I dreamed of you. You didn’t have a face or a name. Your voice was simply a medley of my favorite love songs, the whisper in my head when reading my favorite poems about love. You were the reason I woke up two hours before school to do my hair and makeup in hopes that some boy would give me a second glance. It was you … the idea of you. The dream of you. The promise from my adoring mother that someday I would find my Romeo.

My Review:


I cherished and reveled in every perfectly chosen word of this beguiling and engaging tale. I adored these characters to the nth degree, all of them. I adored them as much as I admire and covet their creator’s full listing. I haven’t read them all but she has never failed to delight or hold my interest with her crafty wit, and unique and indescribably stellar storytelling skills.   Fortuity hit all the feels and while the characters’ personal histories were tragic and heart-squeezing, the overall emotional balance tipped more heavily toward the side of smirk filled levity, wistful smiles, and well-pleased sighs. This was crazy good writing and although I haven’t read the first two books in the series and didn’t need to, it is now a deep desire to come full circle with the total experience. Jewel E. Ann is da bomb!


“What took you two so long? Don’t worry, we saved you some cake.” Mr. Hans smiles from his recliner with Hunter on the sofa, her thumbs dancing along her phone screen. Gabe will get along well with her. 

“Cake, Morgan?” 

My steps falter when I hear Nate’s voice from the kitchen. 

Mr. Hans winks at me. “I invited Nate for cake too.” 

I nod slowly. “I see. Whose birthday is it?” 

“Life is a celebration. Cake needs no excuse.” 

So much for having some time to digest what Nate said to me and my flirty reaction to his kiss comment. I put on a neutral face and drag my timid ass into the kitchen.

“Cake, Gracelyn?” Nate glances up from the counter, a knife in one hand and a plate in his other hand. 

“Mmm … yes, Gracelyn. You want cake.” Morgan rolls her eyes back in her head as she slowly chews a bite, standing next to Nate. 

How am I supposed to look at him when I saw him barely an hour ago and he said he wanted to kiss me, and I returned the desire without the actual kiss? I guess we’re going to be two people who want to kiss but know that it will never happen. 

“Thank you.” I take the cake, giving Nate a two-second glance. It’s all I can give him without completely self-combusting into a pile of ashes. 

“Mr. Hans … this is so good.” Morgan traipses out of the kitchen. 

“It is good. I haven’t had cake in a long time.” I slowly lick the frosting from the fork. 

Nate glances at the floor, eyes narrowed, and hunches down. After a few seconds, I move around to his side of the island.

“Did you drop something?” 

Hunched like a baseball catcher, gaze still to the floor, he crooks a finger at me. 

I set my plate on the counter. “Did you lose a contact lens?” I squat next to him behind the counter. 

He lifts his gaze to meet my squinted eyes. The corner of his mouth bends just as his hand slides behind my head and his lips press to mine. 

 What the hell? 

My lungs freeze while my heart pauses and my mind explodes. There’s no tongue to this kiss, just hungry lips. It knocks me off balance, and I fall to my knees, resting my hands on his shoulders. 

Nate pulls back half an inch, letting his lips hover next to mine, the warmth of his breath covering my stunned mouth. “I’m not even sorry.” He shrugs. 

My mouth opens as if it wants to speak, but I have no idea what to say. 

“Dad …” 

Nate bolts up, leaving me on my knees. “Yes?” 

“Can Hunter use—” Morgan’s eyes narrow at me, my head barely peeking over the counter. “Gracelyn, what are you doing?” 

“I’m …” I give her a tight smile.

Nate says, “Picking up a few crumbs.” 

At the same time, I say, “Tying your dad’s shoe.” 

His explanation is much better. 

Morgan laughs. “Um … okay. You’re both acting weird.” 

I climb to my feet. 

“Can Hunter use what?” Nate asks. 

“Your bike so we can go for a bike ride.” 

“Are you going to stay around here?” 

Morgan nods. “Pinky swear. We won’t go too far.” 

“I’ll need to put the seat down for her.” 

“Yes! Thanks, Dad. I’ll go tell her.” Morgan runs out of the kitchen. 

Nate covers the cake with plastic wrap and nods to my plate with the half-eaten piece of cake. “Are you going to finish that?” 

Cake. He wants to talk about the cake? 

My head inches side to side. 

“Too good to let it go to waste.” He picks up the plate and finishes my cake. 


“By the way …” His gaze remains on the plate as he scoops up the last bite. “Morgan knows I know how to tie my own shoes.” 

About Jewel

Jewel is a free-spirited romance junkie with a quirky sense of humor.

With 10 years of flossing lectures under her belt, she took early retirement from her dental hygiene career to stay home with her three awesome boys and manage the family business. 

After her best friend of nearly 30 years suggested a few books from the Contemporary Romance genre, Jewel was hooked. Devouring two and three books a week but still craving more, she decided to practice sustainable reading, AKA writing. 

When she’s not donning her cape and saving the planet one tree at a time, she enjoys yoga with friends, good food with family, rock climbing with her kids, watching How I Met Your Mother reruns, and of course…heart-wrenching, tear-jerking, panty-scorching novels.

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