Book Review: Parks and Provocation (Green Valley Heroes #2) by Juliette Cross @Juliette__Cross @SmartyPantsRom

Parks and Provocation
(Green Valley Heroes #2)
by Juliette Cross

Amazon  / B&NBB


Lola Landry stares through the window of her locked car with the keys in the ignition and the radio blaring Beck’s “Loser.” While standing there and sweltering in the soupy Tennessee humidity, she wonders how her orderly life had crashed and burned so badly. Then her high school nemesis saunters up in all of his tall, strapping, fireman-to-the-rescue glory, slapping her with the humiliating proof that it can always get worse.

When the uber-confident Jedediah Lawson requests a date in return for popping her lock, a lightbulb goes off. Revenge is sweet. He would make the perfect victim—guest, that is—for her next podcast episode on Kiss and Tell. What shocks her is the casual way he not only agrees to the post-date interview on air, but ends up hijacking her audience and wooing them with his swoony, southern charm. Not even a low score on the date-o-meter can dissuade the man or keep her fans from demanding more of the charismatic Jed.

What’s worse, she secretly wants a second date with this man who is so different from his teenage self. His unwavering patience and dimpled smile erode her will, until she breaks the Kiss and Tell rules by agreeing to a second…and a third date. It’s a disaster. Not the date. They’re wonderful. The disaster is that she is falling for a man she once dubbed Jockstrap Jed.

‘Parks and Provocation’ is a full-length contemporary romance and can be read as a standalone. Book #2 in the Green Valley Heroes series, Green Valley Chronicles, Penny Reid Book Universe.


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Ever since the layoff, my ego had been suffering from severe fracture lines, splintering into a million spiderweb breaks. I was holding it together with duct tape and a prayer, the most reliable of southern adhesives.


“Welcome to the annual man-meat show.” I was horrified and stupefied and in complete danger of swallowing my own tongue. I hoped there was a defibrillator in that ambulance just in case.


I bit my bottom lip, determined not to regret anything in the past. There was no use to it. Like my dad always told me, “Don’t waste your time looking back. You’re not going that way.”


Life is never fair. You just have to make roses out of shit-hills most of the time.


Meeting Jed’s family was like falling into a vortex and being squeezed tight by fluffy teddy bears and sharp-toothed piranhas at the same time.


My Review:


This was a cleverly written, fun, and frisky romp that kept me smirking, gasping, and seeking libation to rehydrate my desiccated body.   This engaging couple had a compelling yet tempestuous history as well as undeniable physical chemistry that singed the sheets.

My Kindle was smoking and my mouth was frequently parched. This was my first exposure to Ms. Cross’s delightfully delectable word voodoo as her listing looks primarily paranormal, a genre I don’t often peruse, although I can’t help but cross all my fingers and toes she churns out more of these clever Smartypants romantic comedies.

JULIETTE is a multi-published author of paranormal, fantasy, and contemporary romance & the co-host of the podcast, Smart Women Read Romance. As a native of Louisiana, she lives in the heart of Cajun land with her husband, four kids, her labs, Kona and Jeaux, and kitty, Betty. When she isn’t working on her next project, she enjoys binge-watching her favorite shows with her husband and a glass (or two) of red wine.

Book Review: Truth, Lies, and Mr. Grey (Three Mrs. Greys Book 2) by Shelly Ellis     @TLCBookTours @ellisromance

Truth, Lies, and Mr. Grey
(Three Mrs. Greys Book 2)
by Shelly Ellis  

Amazon  / B&NGP/ Apple / BB

Three women scorned, one wealthy, vengeful bigamist–and killer bad news no one saw coming. In Shelly Ellis’ shocking follow-up to The Three Mrs. Greys,a trio of betrayed wives finds that no one can be trusted— definitely not their wealthy, vengeful bigamist husband, and maybe not even themselves…

Diamond. Noelle. Vanessa. As Cyrus Grey recovers from a near-fatal shooting, the women who each thought they were his only wife are fighting hard to make new dreams—even if it means going one dangerous step too far…

On trial for Cyrus’s shooting, Diamond is determined to clear her name—and get back the husband she still loves. But uncovering the truth will reveal more secrets than she ever imagined. And unexpected desire is bringing them all too close to home…

Beautiful Noelle has found happiness with new love Tariq. But Cyrus’ scheming confronts her with an unthinkable conspiracy—and an impossible choice to save all she hopes for…

As seemingly sweet suburban wife Vanessa helps Cyrus recover, she’s about to finish him off for good—and keep the expensive lifestyle she earned. But her manipulations will push her up against two relentless—and all-too-intimate—enemies…

Now with lethal agendas clashing, passions high, and everyone’s future on the line, which rules will each woman break to finally end the past—and who will survive to secure everything?


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


With his horn-rimmed glasses, drab gray suit, and his leather satchel thrown over his shoulder, he had to be the nerdiest-looking Black man she’d ever seen in her life. Well, that wasn’t true. He was maybe a distant second to Steve Urkel. He had absolutely no swag and stood out like a sore thumb among all the other men in the room, making her laugh to herself.


“Mama, why do you insist on talking about regular people like they’re peasants?” “Because they are, as far as I’m concerned.” The older woman shoved her sunglasses back up the bridge of her button nose. “I didn’t marry three wealthy husbands because I was enamored with being ‘regular,’ sweetheart. I put up with a lot of bullshit so I wouldn’t have to be that anymore.”


She wondered why she hadn’t spotted the resemblance before. Maybe it was because their temperaments were so different. Whereas Darius came off cool and calm as a soothing creek in the forest, Tariq was a sleeping volcano, with bubbling magma just beneath the surface, ready to explode when you least expected it. Unfortunately for Darius, a creek couldn’t quell a volcano, no matter how hard he tried.


Tariq was a hustler. A survivor. A chameleon. Darius swore Tariq had nine lives— unfortunately, he suspected all those lives would be lonely ones.


My Review:


The conclusion to the saga was quite a riveting tale and had a rather bittersweet ending for my favorite characters, although some finally got what was due them. The entire cast of disagreeable and questionable characters from book one carried over with a few new additions added into the mix. The intriguing storylines were active, taut with tension, and well-honed with sharp imagery, bad decisions, and impending peril. The writing was emotive and on point, while peppered with liberal use of the “n-word” which I found rather unsettling as I have been conditioned to find any use of the pejorative quite jarring and oddly far more egregious than profanity.

About the Author

Shelly Ellis is an award-winning journalist, NAACP Image Award finalist, and acclaimed author of more than two dozen novels, including the Chesterton Scandal Series, The Gibbons Gold Diggers Series, and The Three Mrs. Greys Duology. She lives with her husband and daughter outside of Washington D.C. in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Book Review: The Three Mrs. Greys (Three Mrs. Greys #1) by Shelly Ellis  @ellisromance

The Three Mrs. Greys
(Three Mrs. Greys #1)
by Shelly Ellis  

Amazon  / B&N GP/ Apple / BB


One wealthy businessman, a trio of unsuspecting wives, and an explosive turn of events. In this scandalous, twist-filled new series from Shelly Ellis, will too many secrets and one devastating bond unite three women–or destroy them?

Noelle. Diamond. Vanessa. Each woman believes she is Cyrus Grey’s only wife–until he’s nearly shot to death. Now, as he lies in a coma, the deceptions keep coming, unraveling everything they thought they knew…

Gorgeous model Noelle’s marriage to Cyrus anchored her–though she couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t have a baby with her. They certainly had the money. But she’s learning fast just how Cyrus became so rich–thanks to his fatally attractive business partner…

For Diamond, marrying Cyrus saved her from the streets–and being a pimp’s punching bag. But her past makes her the police’s prime suspect in Cyrus’s shooting. She’s determined to get to the truth–if she can she survive long enough to tell it…

Even with her beautiful house, three kids, and elegant lifestyle, Vanessa sensed something was wrong in her marriage. But she never expected this–or that taking a lover for comfort would change the game completely.

With danger closing in, Cyrus’s life hanging in the balance, and collateral damage threatening to take them all down, how far will each woman go to be the real Mrs. Grey?


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


All eyes in the waiting room were focused on them. Vanessa wondered if the nosy family of three huddled across the room in the line of leather chairs was going to break out a bucket of popcorn to watch the show.


Why would I be jealous of a woman who’s made of more plastic than my daughter’s Barbie dolls?


Ripe? … What am I? A damn grapefruit?


When Vanessa had heard he was shot, she’d braced herself for the possibility that her husband would die and had even started eagerly looking forward to it, but here he sat, very much alive. A wave of emotions overwhelmed her, making her eyes flood with tears.


Cy’s life had always been a delicate balancing act. He would sometimes envision himself as one of those high-wire performers rolling across the Big Top on a unicycle.


My Review:


This was a gritty, confounding, and curiously intriguing tale about horrible people engaging in stupid and reprehensible behaviors.   While some were getting what they deserved, some were not. The storylines poked and taunted my curiosity while also making me itch and gnash my teeth, yet I couldn’t put my Kindle down as Shelly Ellis can certainly unspool an entertaining, addictive, and uncomfortably chilling tale. But, to leave me dangling with a despicable cliffhanger… what gall! Thankfully I already have book two locked and loaded or I would be stamping my little foot and turning the air blue.  I do believe I am invested.

I generally despised 90% of Ms. Ellis’s uniquely bent and well-drawn characters – the uncouth, volatile, and self-serving wastrel of wife #1 Vanessa, most of all.   Although followed closely in my level of annoyance was the weak and moronic wife #3, named Diamond.   Vanessa was a conspicuous and spoiled trophy wife who seemed to be thinking with what was between her legs rather than using the limited gray matter she had between her ears. Although, I wanted to give all three Mrs. Greys a few good smacks with my Kindle to hopefully jar lose the few functioning brain cells between them, and most of those seemed to belong to wife #2, Noelle.

Mr. Grey was obviously a demon and a toad, and I have my fingers crossed that these hideous humans get exactly what they deserve in the newly released sequel.

About the Author

Shelly Ellis is an award-winning journalist, NAACP Image Award finalist, and acclaimed author of more than two dozen novels, including the Chesterton Scandal Series, The Gibbons Gold Diggers Series, and The Three Mrs. Greys Duology. She lives with her husband and daughter outside of Washington D.C. in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Book Review: Killer Instincts (Assassins in Love #1) by Tawna Fenske @tawnafenske


Killer Instincts
(Assassins in Love #1)
 by Tawna Fenske


Amazon / B&N / GP / BB

He’s a hired gun. A hardened killer. So how’d he end up bottle-feeding lambs for his best friend’s sister?

Dante didn’t set out to deceive. His favor for a pal in prison got him this farmhand job, and Jen needs help guarding more than her blueberries. Someone’s set on hurting her, and he’ll make damn sure they don’t. She can’t know who sent him or why he’s handier with a handgun than a hoe. But none of that matters more than keeping Jen safe.

To save the girl, he’ll have to pair old skills with new. A princess tea party and an old-fashioned gunfight? Why not. Grape stomping and grenades? Sign him up.

But as the enemy closes in, there’s one skill Dante finds he doesn’t have: The strength to walk away when the job is done.

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


“You have a goat named Scape and a horse named Maple?” Like he wasn’t already half in love with her. Jen’s cheeks pinken like he’s spoken out loud. “Scape Goat and Maple Stirrup, yes.” Her chin tips up. “Pony Soprano’s on loan to a kids’ petting zoo this week.” It’s official. She’s his dream girl.


“Gabor. Well, Ga-boar.” A pig pun like Maple Stirrup and Scape Goat. “I tried Eva and Magda, but she’s more of a Zsa Zsa.” The pig squeals behind him but stays on the couch. Maybe her hoof hurts, or maybe life’s better on a La-Z-Boy.


He’s never met a woman so delicate and daring, so fragile and fierce.


“You’re a hitman.” He flinches. “I prefer ‘bodyguard.’” “And I prefer ‘princess,’ but I’m a goddamn farmer, okay?” Jen huffs a breath. “You’re an assassin.” It’s just semantics, and he knows he shouldn’t argue, but— “Security professional.”


“Didn’t go well?” “Nope.” A pause. “Cover’s blown?” Dante flinches but keeps walking. “Yep.” “Had a hunch when she stalked past muttering how all men should be castrated at birth.”


“Do you really love me?” “Yes.” No hesitation. “Really?” “More than anything.” He takes a step closer, arms opening to enfold her. “More than chili or Cheez-Its or my Ruger Mark IV Hunter.” “More than Cheez-Its?” She draws back and gives him a skeptical look. “Sounds serious.” “You have no idea.”


My Review:


This was a fun, lively, smirk-worthy read and I loved every cleverly written word of it. The storylines were engaging, vastly entertaining, and actively paced with crisp and cunningly snarky humor that caused a few giggle-snort eruptions during my rapt perusal. I haven’t had this much fun in ages and am eagerly awaiting the next installment.   This wily author has more than redeemed herself for that demonic cliffhanger of a prequel, which now that I think about it, was rather ingenious.

About the Author 



When Tawna Fenske finished her English lit degree at 22, she celebrated by filling a giant trash bag full of romance novels and dragging it everywhere until she’d read them all. Now she’s a RITA-nominated, USA Today bestselling author who writes humorous fiction, risqué romance, and heartwarming love stories with a quirky twist. Publishers Weekly has praised Tawna’s offbeat romances with multiple starred reviews and noted, “There’s something wonderfully relaxing about being immersed in a story filled with over-the-top characters in undeniably relatable situations. Heartache and humor go hand in hand.”

Tawna lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband, stepkids, and a menagerie of ill-behaved pets. She loves hiking, snowshoeing, standup paddleboarding, and inventing excuses to sip wine on her back porch. She can peel a banana with her toes and loses an average of twenty pairs of eyeglasses per year. To find out more about Tawna and her books, visit

Book Review: What Lovers Do by Jewel E Ann @JewelE_Ann

What Lovers Do
by Jewel E Ann

Amazon  / BB

 From bestselling author, Jewel E. Ann, comes a hilarious secret lovers story that redefines the meaning of friendship. 

Shep’s found the female version of himself … and he thinks she’s perfect—perfectly unavailable.

Everyone loves Shep, the charismatic employee at Scottsdale’s newest pet store. He has shared custody of his two dogs with his annoying ex-wife and a smile that can disarm most women.

Except … Dr. Sophie Ryan.

What starts out as a disastrous first meeting, involving a coffee catastrophe and mistaken flirting, turns into an unconventional friendship.

Fake phone sex.

Dog park dates.

And eighteen holes of golf.

The problem? Sophie’s taken herself out of the dating pool for a mysterious reason, imprisoning Shep in the friend zone for eternity.

As their competitive personalities hit a boiling point, the gloves come off and so do their clothes. When Sophie’s “real” life threatens their relationship, can Shep let go of his past to chase the one that might get away?


  Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Nora covers her mouth and snorts. “You had me. I honestly thought you had connections to royalty.” “I do.” I check my teeth in the oval mirror on the wall. “My mom is a royal pain in my ass.”


I sometimes miss the woman I married, but I never miss the woman I divorced.


“Stop talking about my nipples.” “You brought them up. Don’t get me wrong, I was hoping you would. Like… really hoping. I’ve been meaning to compliment you on them. That day at the store, I wanted to give them a slow clap or something special like that. Maybe a ribbon like at the state fair.”


“You should have been a politician.” “Because I’m a gifted orator?” “Because you’re full of shit.”


It’s nearly impossible for lovers to end and still be friends. Casually falling out of love is as likely as finding a unicorn at a petting zoo.


I’m spending way too much time thinking about all the ways I could make you leave my house and at least half of them involve your body being unresponsive and lacking a pulse.


My Review:


Jewel E. Ann has obviously been blessed by the ink fairies with divinely clever word skills and has graced us with another deftly written, engaging, and profoundly funny tale that hit all the feels. It was better than eating crackerjacks and finding a prize in every handful. The storylines were well-paced, brilliantly contrived, and laced together with sparkling irreverent humor that had me barking aloud at my kindle. I adored these well-nuanced characters and was rooting for them all the way.


 Jewel is a Wall Street Journal & USA Today best-selling author with a quirky sense of humor. When she’s not saving the planet one tree at a time, you can find her role modeling questionable behavior to her three boys, binge-watching Netflix with her husband, and writing mind-bending romance. 


Book Review:  Leave Me Breathless (Winterville #3) by Carrie Elks   @CarrieElks

Leave Me Breathless
(Winterville #3)
by Carrie Elks   



Amazon  / BB

She’s his best friend’s little sister. Completely off-limits. And now she’s moving in with him…

When Gabe Winter’s best friend calls with an unusual request – give his broken-hearted little sister a roof over her head for a few months – he readily accepts.But he doesn’t expect Nicole to be quite so enticing. Or for her to bring out all the feelings in him. Feelings he thought he’d buried long ago, beneath his easy-going façade and womanizing reputation.

But now they’re spending late nights watching movies together, snuggled beneath the blankets with popcorn in their hands. And there’s inches between her lips and his.

It’s wrong but it’s also inevitable. He’s falling for the one woman he shouldn’t want.

He’s in over his head, but drowning never felt so good.

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


“Don’t make me call your mama. Because you know I will.” “C’mon now. There’s no need to do that,” Kyle mumbled. The twenty-something, muscled man looked terrified at the thought of his mom being called. “I’m just being friendly.”


“Please tell me this won’t hurt,” Dolores said, catching her hand as she walked into the studio. “The last time I exercised Ronald Reagan was in the White House.”


Oh no. She wanted to die. Or at least disappear for a very long, Jimmy Hoffa amount of time.


My Review:


This was an enjoyable and lively read full of amusing humor, insightful and witty observations, and frequent family meddling – which was both good and bad for the main protagonists. The storylines were crisply written, entertaining, engaging, and easy to fall into. The Winterville characters were an enticing, fun, and feisty bunch with plenty of sass and snappy banter. I adored the main characters’ connection and their Netflix binges and discussions of porn, Matt Damon’s abs, and The Notebook. I look forward to more Winterville escapades and am itchy with curiosity about Alaska’s mysterious misadventure as a child, which is hopefully being cleared up in the next installment.


Carrie Elks writes contemporary romance with a sizzling edge. Her first book, Fix You, has been translated into eight languages and made a surprise appearance on Big Brother in Brazil. Luckily for her, it wasn’t voted out. Carrie lives with her husband, two lovely children, and a larger-than-life black pug called Plato. When she isn’t writing or reading, she can be found baking, drinking an occasional (!) glass of wine, or chatting on social media.


Book Review: On the Honey Side (Blum’s Bees Book 2) by Staci Hart  @imaquirkybird


On the Honey Side
(Blum’s Bees Book 2)
 by Staci Hart

No one can ever have Keaton Meyer.

Least of all me.

The brooding construction manager is a man of myth and legend, rarely seen in the wild. Once upon a time, he was the star quarterback, the smiling homecoming king, royalty in our small town. Until tragedy struck. And then he disappeared completely.

Now he’s resurfaced, and I can’t keep my eyes off him.

He’s an island surrounded by lava, bound by a desert, and guarded by dragons. I don’t stand a sunshine’s chance in a hailstorm.

Our siblings disagree and are out to prove it, nudging us into each other in the hopes we’ll fall. But with our town in tumult and the two of us firmly in the middle, nothing between us is easy. And when he’s faced with an impossible decision, I learn the truth of what I already knew.

No one can have Keaton Meyer.

And I have the broken heart to prove it.


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Sighting Keaton in the wild was a rare and unheard of event. But when my gaze did happen to be blessed by his visage, I lost all higher function of my brain and body, leaving me staring like a fool at a man no one might ever have, least of all me.

I’d seen him just a few days ago on Main Street, but for the stretching of time he inspired, you’d think I’d never seen him in my life. He looked like he’d walked out of a Chevrolet commercial for the manliest truck in their inventory. Or like a social media thirst trap on his way to chop wood with no shirt on.

A few of the more judgmental women of our town circled the block and tried to look disdainful. They only managed to look thirsty.

He has the IQ of a koala.” My brows drew together. “Are koalas dumb?” “They have the smallest brains of any mammal, eat food they can’t digest, and they carry chlamydia. They’re dumb as shit,” she answered.

I flung myself at him, knocking both of us to the ground as he caught me. Our lips crashed together with the rest of us, and once the surprise ebbed, the kiss was a pliant possession, a sweet forever, a hundred thousand million yeses with a chorus of angels singing behind us.

My Review:


I adored these lovely characters as much as I reveled in their cleverly amusing tale. Staci Hart is such an agile and witty storyteller, I fall right into her delightfully flippant, crisply written, sparkly books and don’t want to resurface. The characters are accessible, knowable, and so well constructed I feel I would recognize them if I met them in person. I am definitely hooked and eager for more of the same.

About the Author


Staci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life — a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can’t forget that. She’s also been a mom, with three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She’s been a wife, though she’s certainly not the cleanest, or the best cook. She’s also super, duper fun at a party, especially if she’s been drinking whiskey. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, sleeping, gaming, or designing graphics.

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Book Review: The Best Kept Secret (Smokejumper #3) by Tawna Fenske  @tawnafenske


The Best Kept Secret
(Smokejumper #3)
by Tawna Fenske 


Amazon / B&N / GP/ Apple / BB


Nurse Nyla Franklin knows three things to be true. Taking care of others brings more joy than a basket full of kittens. A triple-fudge sundae can cure just about anything. And no good ever comes from keeping a secret… So when her best friend spills his biggest one ever, Nyla knows she’s not just holding a secret. She’s holding a ticking time bomb.

Mr. Always Does the Right Thing Leo Sayre knows three things to be true. Piloting smokejumpers over burning forests is the best job in the world. His best friend Nyla is the smartest, funniest, and okay, sexiest woman ever. And pain meds are apparently his truth serum. Now his post-surgery confession has everything flipped upside down and turned inside out… including his relationship with Nyla.

Secrets have a way of piling up, and it’s just a matter of time before someone lights a match. Because while the truth can set you free, it can also burn completely out of control…

Each book in the Where There’s Smoke series is STANDALONE:
* The Two-Date Rule
* Just a Little Bet
* The Best Kept Secret

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


You know how he is. Thinks he’s Mr. Fix-It, but he’s really more like Mr. Bean.


“Did I really say ‘hiding the hot dog’ to my parents?” “Yep.” He grinned, no longer able to fight it. “You did. Want us all to pretend you didn’t?”


Are we going to end up on one of those weird talk shows, throwing furniture?


My Review:


I smirked, cringed, and laughed aloud as I perused this missive.   I am a devoted Tawna Fenske fan and this series is her best work yet. While reading, I have reveled in and continually admired the agile plotting and well-textured tales of all three highly amusing Smokejumper installments, although this one featured an unusually thorny issue and did so with humanizing and thoughtful sensitivity, perceptive insights, and clever humor. I adored these recognizable, witty, and endearing characters and wanted the best for them. The storylines were enjoyably entertaining and easy to follow with a cast of players all lovably flawed, generally well-meaning, and bumping along as best they can within a complicated family dynamic.

About the Author 





When Tawna Fenske finished her English lit degree at 22, she celebrated by filling a giant trash bag full of romance novels and dragging it everywhere until she’d read them all. Now she’s a RITA-nominated, USA Today bestselling author who writes humorous fiction, risqué romance, and heartwarming love stories with a quirky twist. Publishers Weekly has praised Tawna’s offbeat romances with multiple starred reviews and noted, “There’s something wonderfully relaxing about being immersed in a story filled with over-the-top characters in undeniably relatable situations. Heartache and humor go hand in hand.”

Tawna lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband, stepkids, and a menagerie of ill-behaved pets. She loves hiking, snowshoeing, standup paddleboarding, and inventing excuses to sip wine on her back porch. She can peel a banana with her toes and loses an average of twenty pairs of eyeglasses per year. To find out more about Tawna and her books, visit

Book Review: Am I Allergic to Men? (The Callaghan Sisters #5) by Kristen Bailey  @Bookouture @mrsbaileywrites

Am I Allergic to Men?
(The Callaghan Sisters #5)
by Kristen Bailey 

You think you’ve got it bad? I lost my memory, I’m so single I’ve basically got an allergy to men, and my own cat despises me.

‘Lucy! If you can hear me, squeeze my hand!’

That’s the first thing I hear when I wake up in hospital. Then my sister drops a bombshell: I’ve been in a coma.

It gets worse. In my head, it’s 2009 and I’m seventeen. Somehow, I need to remember the last decade…

Plan A: Track down my exes. Highlights include a one-night stand with someone in a Batman costume, and balcony sex that gave the neighbors a nervous breakdown.

Plan B: Get flirty. Lowlights include a fling with someone hairier than a yeti.

Plan C: Figure out why I have more exes than underwear. Am I allergic to men?

As I piece together my past, I find a mysterious note: Oscar, 9th February. Determined to work out what it means, I uncover a secret I’ve been hiding from everyone.

When the truth comes out, will my memory return? Will I get my life back? And will I ever find the cure to my singledom?

You’ll laugh so much your abs ache! The perfect page-turner for fans of Sophie Kinsella, Lindsey Kelk, and TV shows like Schitt’s Creek.

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


She’s still looking for that happy ending where someone will pick her up, pledge undying love and whisk her away to a new-build semi in Surrey. The sort of world Hayley and I inhabit, the semis and happy endings normally end on our faces.


I know what my sisters are like and this could possibly still be a very elaborate joke. Those cows told me for years that my real father was Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and that he had to leave the actual country to be a Watcher because he was so ashamed of me.


‘We’re just going to get you into a deep state of relaxation…’ All I can think is that when I’m that relaxed I will most likely break wind. I hope the lotus and white musk will be able to mask that.


My Review:


This was a fun, dynamic, and energetic read that kept me wildly amused and gleefully giggle-snorting with abandon. The writing was crisp, breezy, sweary, and delightfully snarky while the sharp visuals conjured were diabolically humorous and colorful in every sense of the word.

In the previous installments, Lucy’s character was the most eccentric of the five sisters. Lucy was the fiercely independent, feisty, and predictably unpredictable free spirit/firecracker and youngest of the Callaghan clan. So I was doubly impressed with the insightful observations and emotive underpinnings permeating the unfamiliar sense of vulnerability Lucy was experiencing as she struggled to regain a sense of self during her period of memory loss following a head injury. Having lost twelve years would be quite unsettling for anyone but Lucy had packed a lot of living her best life and unusual adventures and eye-opening experimentation into those years. I was fascinated and deliciously entertained by each new development.

This being the last of the series, I am experiencing a sense of rueful melancholy, I will greatly miss this irreverent, divinely inappropriate, and tightly bonded family unit. They were good fun and their hijinks provided me with not only smirk-worthy entertainment but several unusual entries of British vernacular to my Brit Words and Phrases list. Many of which I cannot add to my reviews for fear of being censored, but this installment has produced the current publishable new addition of gurn, which Mr. Google indicates is to grimace or make an ugly face. I would expect nothing less from the lascivious Lucy.



To celebrate the publication of the fifth and final Callaghan sisters novel, let’s find out if you are Meg, Emma, Beth, Grace, or Lucy?

Quiz compiled by the author, Kristen Bailey.

About the Author

Mother-of-four, gin-drinker, binge-watcher, receipt hoarder, enthusiastic but terrible cook. Kristen also writes. She has had short fiction published in several publications including Mslexia & Riptide. Her first two novels, Souper Mum and Second Helpings were published in 2016. In 2019, she was long-listed in the Comedy Women in Print Prize and has since joined the Bookouture family. She hopes her novels have fresh and funny things to say about modern life, love, and family.


Book Review: Give It Arrest by Laura Barnard @BarnardLaura

Give It Arrest
by Laura Barnard


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The high always comes before the fall…

Sadie would do anything not to end up on the streets again.  Even come up with the crazy idea of selling marijuana to cancer patients struggling through chemo.

Before they know it Sadie and her friends are over-run with orders, have a sexy detective on their trail, suspicious neighbours and drug dealers angry they’re working on their patch.

Can Sadie pull them out of this dangerous world they’ve found themselves in, all while ignoring the attraction between her and sexy detective Harry? And can she do it before they end up in prison?

My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


‘You think I’m a police lady?’ I ask in disbelief. ‘How dare you! Have you even seen my shoes?’ I throw my leg up onto the counter, years of adult ballet working in my favour. I present my black patent stilettos with a red strap. ‘Do these look like the ugly shoes of a policewoman?’ I ask, my voice rising higher than it should. Damn it, he’s offended my shoes. He might as well have called me fat.


I feel a thrill of excitement go through me at the thought of it. I’m like a bond agent. What would I call myself? Pussy Galore’s taken. Maybe Gorgeous Chick. No, that doesn’t sound like a name. Maybe Gigi Paris. Yeah, I like that.


My God, my lady bits are so excited I’m worried I’m going to take off any minute, spinning round the room like a let off balloon.


My Review:


Don’t pick up this book unless you are ready to let your hair down for an irreverently humorous, snarky, sweary, and busy read. The writing was sly, wry, snappy, ironically amusing, and laced together with Ms. Barnard’s signature style of impertinent levity. The storylines were filled with struggling and conflicted characters who were deeply flawed and extremely annoying, yet I was invested in their plight.

The story was written from the first-person POV of Sadie who was recently unemployed and panicked by her inability to find a new job. Sadie was flippant, crass, and brassy, yet she meant well. She was fiercely independent but had a painfully heavy chip on her shoulder, was prone to irrational temper flares and was easily distracted. While trying to make ends meet and help her former co-workers/friends, Sadie found herself on a course of self-destruction.   I alternated between empathizing with her and wanting to pop her in the mouth. Her unusual odyssey was cheekily entertaining, smirk-worthy, and action-packed.

Laura Barnard lives in Hertfordshire, UK, and writes romantic comedy or ‘chick lit’ as it is so often described. In her spare time, she enjoys drinking her body weight in tea, indulging in cupcakes the size of her face, and drooling over hunks like Jamie Dornan, Ryan Gosling, and Leo Dicaprio.

She enjoys wearing yoga pants and reading fitness magazines while sitting on the sofa eating chocolate. She’s a real fan of the power nap and of course READING!

She writes not to get rich or famous, but because she LOVES writing. Even if one person tells her they enjoyed her book it makes the midnight typing worth it!