Book Review: The One That I Want (Ever After Agency #3) by Sandy Barker  @sandybarkerauthor @TheBoldBookclub

The One That I Want
(Ever After Agency #3)
by Sandy Barker

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Greta Davies, the features editor at a women’s magazine, is accomplished and successful. That is, in all areas except her love life.

Determined to help, Greta’s boss – and friend – secretly enlists the help of the Ever After Agency, and sets out to make her dreams come true.

Work-obsessed Greta is nothing if not stubborn, so it’ll take some creative thinking, which leads to a lightbulb moment: a new column focused on dating in the city.

With date after disastrous date, things are not looking rosy for Greta. But little does Greta know, the perfect man has been there all along. Will she realise it’s more than friendship before it’s too late?


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


Blimey, if I keep on like this, I’ll get a call from Disney asking for the rights to my life story for their next animated feature. The Thirty-something Princess and the Frogs of London coming to a cinema near you.

I don’t like it when people use the word ‘lost’ to mean someone’s loved one has died. Poor Ian didn’t lose his wife– they weren’t shopping in IKEA. He didn’t misplace her amongst the dinglehoppers and snarfblatts. She passed away.

I will lampoon him so severely, Taylor Swift could mine my article for lyrics.

Dreamboat? Where are you getting these words? Do you have a time machine or something? Are you frequenting the 1960s?


My Review:


This was a fun and cleverly amusing read that is the third in a popular series but I found it to have strong legs and quite capable of standing and dancing on its own. Although, it also has me wanting to track down and read all the previous installments. I enjoy this smooth storyteller’s wry wit and sneaky hits of humor.


About the Author


I’m a writer, traveler, and hopeful romantic with a lengthy bucket list. I love exploring new places, outdoor adventures, and eating and drinking like a local when I travel, and many of my travel adventures have found homes in my novels. I’m also an avid reader, a film buff, a wine lover, and a coffee snob.

I am represented by Lina Langlee of The North Literary Agency.

One Reply to “Book Review: The One That I Want (Ever After Agency #3) by Sandy Barker  @sandybarkerauthor @TheBoldBookclub”

  1. Thank you so much for this glowing review. So glad you enjoyed it! Sxxx

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