Book Review: Death By Betrayal (Josiah Reynolds Mystery #20) by Abigail Keam @AbigailKeam

Death By Betrayal
(Josiah Reynolds Mystery #20)
by Abigail Keam

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Josiah is looking forward to the county fair coming up soon. She comes across a battered tin box with a bunch of yellowed 3×5 note cards with her mother’s old recipes. Nobody could make apple walnut cake like her mother. By golly, Josiah decides to make her mother’s cake and enter it in this year’s fair. It’s sure to be a winner.

She makes a sample, asking Hunter and his new farm assistant, Palley, to try a slice. When the farm helper hears it’s for the fair, the young man tells Josiah about the demolition derby each year. Ever since Palley received his license, he has been waiting to be old enough to compete in the derby. The only problem is he needs an old beater of a car to get running and enter in the derby.

Josiah tells Palley he is welcome to use an old jalopy that’s been gathering dust in an unused shed on her property. Everyone’s excited about going to the fair to see if the old beater car comes out a winner—until the trunk pops open to reveal—you guessed it—a body. Whose body is it? How did it get there? Josiah’s on the trail of murder again.


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


I intend to live forever or die trying…

Hunter had come to resemble my house slippers— a little worn around the heels but comfortable and warm.

Matt is a fantasy for deep in the night when sleep is hard to come by. He is a fleeting dream that is nothing more than gossamer strands of floating golden threads— hard to grasp by a mere mortal.

Let’s face it, honey— I’m not getting any younger. You know you’re ancient when the candles cost more than the cake.

My Review:


I continue to enjoy Ms. Keam’s wry wit and smooth writing style while indulging my need for a rash of cozy mystery reading. This series keeps getting better with each installment. Her well-plotted murders keep me guessing while her quirky main character Josiah tries her best to reign in her temper and terrible luck. So, of course, I adore her beyond reason.


About the Author

One thing Miss Abigail loves to do as an author is to write real people and events into her stories. “I am a student of history and love to insert historical information into my mysteries. My goal is to entertain my readers, but if they learn a little something along the way—well, then we are both happy. I certainly learn a lot from my research, and I hope my readers come away with a new appreciation of beekeeping from my Josiah Reynolds Mysteries.”