Book Review: Muffin But Trouble (Donner Bakery #4) by Talia Hunter  @talia.hunter  @smartypantsromance

Muffin But Trouble
(Donner Bakery #4)
by Talia Hunter  


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New Yorker, Magdalena Solis, is a city cynic to her core. But when she’s threatened by a thug who demands she pay her absent boyfriend’s debts, she flees to Green Valley, Tennessee. Bewildered by her rural surroundings, and harboring a serious aversion to beards and flannel, Mags is horrified when the first local she encounters is the scruffiest brute she’s ever seen.

Cy Baxter has a tortured past, a bad reputation, and facial hair like tumbleweed in a dust storm.

With troubles of his own, Cy vows to keep clear of the rude stranger who does nothing but insult him. But he has a heart as big as the wide-open countryside, and when an adorable stray dog brings the two together, sparks fly in the most unexpected ways.

Desperate to pay off her pursuer, Mags starts work at the Donner Bakery. And as Cy becomes a regular customer, his sweet tooth turns into a longing for something spicier.

But with the relentless thug hot on Mags’ trail, can these city-meets-country misfits find common ground? Or will their love story be as impossible as square dancing in stilettos?

‘Muffin But Trouble’ is a full-length contemporary romance, can be read as a standalone, and is book #4 in the Donner Bakery series, Green Valley Chronicles, Penny Reid Book Universe.


My Rating:

Favorite Quotes:


I was so far from fine, I’d lost sight of it completely.

Noah’s Southern drawl made it sound like he was speaking at half-speed. If time was money, everything he said would cost about twice as much as it should.

That woman’s cheese has slipped right off her cracker.

You can go inside and carry on with your regular business. Sharpen your fangs, or cook up some small children for your dinner. Don’t worry about me.

If gossip were gravy, that woman’s biscuits would never be dry.

Bonnie Linton likes to sweeten her tea with scandal.

If the devil likes to barbecue, he has my daddy on his fork.


My Review:


This was a total delight to read. I gleefully hummed and giggle-snorted my way through this cleverly penned and sassy tale. The characters were well-textured, quick-witted, and highly endearing while also complex and more than a bit damaged. I always enjoy my visits to the quirky community of Green Valley.



Talia Hunter likes to include her three favorite things in her novels: toe-curling romance, snort-laughs, and heart-warming friendships. She recently moved to Australia’s beautiful Gold Coast, where she’s constantly amazed and not at all freaked out by the weird and wonderful critters. When she’s not writing, you can usually find her with a glass of wine, a good book, at least one of her three cats, and a jumbo-sized can of bug spray.

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