Summer Hates Christmas
by Rachel Dove
My Rating:
Favorite Quotes:
Life was pretty good here at times. Times like this, when the air of opportunity and promise seemed so fresh and ripe, there for the taking. She loved the scent of delusion in the morning.
Her mother had less of a carbon footprint than the ants they got in the kitchen every summer. One ant, even.
His mum took a sip of her tea, sitting back amongst her plumped cushions. She looked as though she was drinking the blood of her fallen adversaries whilst sitting on a throne of crushed bones and skulls.
‘I’m sorry, dearest girlfriend, of course you are nothing but sweetness and light. I was the one in the wrong… And furthermore, I am declaring now that you will always be beautiful, and I will always be wrong.
My Review:
While entertaining and uniquely quirky, this tale wasn’t always an easy read, a few of the characters were prone to nasty tirades and were rather vile at times. I didn’t fully appreciate the main character of Summer until near the end of the book as she was prickly, had a short fuse and a sharp tongue, and wasn’t someone I would choose to share air with. Yet this crafty wordsmith still had me invested in the story and curious as to how it would unfold.
In the meantime I nearly always remember to brush my hair, seldom have time to look in a mirror and write many, many to-do lists. I write fast paced sexy medical romances for Mills & Boon, and contemporary fiction and romantic comedies for HQ Digital and Boldwood Books. I always have a few books in progress, and am always jotting down new shiny ideas to torment myself with.