Betrayal at Ravenswick
(Fiona Figg Mystery #1)
by Kelly Oliver
•Publisher: Historia (March 10, 2020)
Paperback: 240 pages
Amazon | B&N | IndieBound
What’s the best way to purge an unfaithful husband?
Become a spy for British Intelligence, of course.
Desperate to get out of London and determined to help the war effort, Fiona Figg volunteers to go undercover.
It keeps her from thinking about Andrew, her philandering husband.
At Ravenswick Abbey a charming South African war correspondent has tongues wagging.
His friends say he’s a crack huntsman. The War Office is convinced he’s a traitor. Fiona thinks he’s a pompous prig.
What sort of name is Fredrick Fredricks anyway?
Too bad Fiona doesn’t own a Wolseley pith helmet. At Ravenswick a murderer is on the prowl, and it’s not just the big-game hunter who’s ready to pounce.
Reader’s Favorite Award for Best Historical Novel
My Rating:
Favorite Quotes:
Mr. Knox flashed a toothy smile, the kind that made nuns blush.
When Ernest laughed he sounded like a goose taking flight.
I admired the rose bushes, wishing I had a green thumb. I was too much of a city girl to grow anything except my hair…
In my opinion, her husband’s wandering eye seemed more in line with male maladies best cured by poison.
I could hear my father’s voice in my head, “Stiff upper lip, my girl, that’s the English way.” Wouldn’t he be surprised to see a mustache sprouting from mine?
The reflection in the mirror didn’t seem to belong to me, but to some long-lost twin, who looked like me but lived a parallel life more exciting than my own.
My Review:
This was my first time reading Kelly Oliver and I had to wonder, what took me so long? This was an enjoyable and entertaining historical cozy mystery set in 1914 England during WWI and written from the first-person POV of a female file clerk turned working in the War Office who was sent on a spy mission and having the time of her life. Just what a newly divorced woman shot of a philandering husband would need to relocate her identity and self-confidence. The entertaining storylines were rather complicated with a large cast of unusual and untrustworthy characters, but I enjoyed the chase and her multiple missteps.
While there wasn’t a vile cliffhanger to rankle and stir my ire, the tale did not fully resolve and will continue on through subsequent installments. I can live with that since I have the next volume locked on loaded on my beloved Kindle.
I obtained two new items to add to my ever-growing Brit Words and Phrases list with a rum do which is a messy circumstance plagued with bad luck, poor fortune, or deliberate sabotage. And a hair receiver, which Mr. Google informed me, along with colorful examples, was a small pot or jar with a hole in the top that was used in the Victorian era and was typically made of ceramic, bronze, or crystal. It was kept on the dressing table to store their personal hair after being collected from brushes and combs. Said hair was used in jewelry and art – umm, no thank you.
About Kelly Oliver
Kelly Oliver grew up in the Northwest, Montana, Idaho, and Washington states. Her maternal grandfather was a forest ranger committed to saving the trees, and her paternal grandfather was a logger hell-bent on cutting them down. On both sides, her ancestors were some of the first settlers in Northern Idaho. In her own unlikely story, Kelly went from eating a steady diet of wild game shot by her dad to becoming a vegetarian while studying philosophy and pondering animal minds. Competing with peers who’d come from private schools and posh families “back East,” Kelly’s working-class backwoods grit has served her well. And much to her parent’s surprise, she’s managed to feed and clothe herself as a professional philosopher.
When she’s not writing mysteries, Kelly Oliver is a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. She earned her B.A. from Gonzaga University and her Ph.D. from Northwestern University. She is the author of thirteen scholarly books, ten anthologies, and over 100 articles, including work on campus rape, reproductive technologies, women and the media, film noir, and Alfred Hitchcock. Her work has been translated into seven languages, and she has published an op-ed on loving our pets in The New York Times. She has been interviewed on ABC television news, the Canadian Broadcasting Network, and various radio programs.
Kelly lives in Nashville with her husband, Benigno Trigo, and her furry family, Mischief and Mayhem.
Find out more about Kelly at her website, and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Nice review DJ. While this isn’t my genre taste, it does sound like a good yarn.
This historical cozy mystery sounds great. The hair receiver not so much… Great review as always.
Historical reads seem to be more and more popular these days!
Some choice quotes there! I loved them. Nice review and I’m very tempted to run out and get this one right away.
Missed your fabulous reviews! Great job.
This sounds fab. Great review.
I’ve never read a cozy mystery but I think the historical ones are up my alley.
I always get excited when a South African appears in a book😂
Great review. Sounds interesting. I can assure you that neither of those Brit words are heard in the UK anymore.
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