Book Review: She’s Got the Guns (The Suite #45 Series Book 1) by M.O. Mack

She’s Got the Guns
(The Suite #45 Series – # 1)
by M.O. Mack 

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She’s Got the Guns, the debut Thriller-Suspense from Author M.O. Mack…

What could possibly be worse than being beaten, broke, and on the run from a dangerous criminal? What if that criminal is your ex and works for the FBI?

Oh, and then there’s the tiny matter of landing a job. Not so easy for a girl on the run.

Which is why when Emily Rockford gets a gig, answering the phone for a “pest control” company, she thinks her luck is turning.

Until…she discovers the business is a cover.

For hitmen. A big, dangerous, deadly group of them.

It’s just about the last place Emily wants to be, but as she’s about to find out, once you’re in, you’re in. There is no out. There is no quitting.

Will she embrace the dangerous world she’s stumbled onto? Or will she find a way to outrun them all?

My Rating:


Favorite Quotes:


Mr. Sampson, the man who’d hired her, said they performed “discreet pest control” for the sort of people who didn’t want their neighbors knowing they had roach issues. “It’s a status thing,” he’d said… She glanced at the machine, noting a giant cockroach skittering across the yellow Formica counter off to the side of the room. It stopped, turned in her direction as if warning her off, and then disappeared down the rust-stained sink at the end. She lifted a brow. Pest control, huh? Well, if that was really Mr. Sampson’s business, he sucked at it.


Ubering to a gunfight. What could possibly go wrong with this plan?


“So how will the jobs come in?” Was there a Craigslist for criminals? she wondered.


They’ve all experienced some sort of personal loss, and when you’ve spent a significant part of your adult life being trained to protect and kill, it’s a skill they’ve chosen not to waste. Also, the money is really good.


My Review:


Aspiring authors should take note – this is the way to launch a new name and ignite a new series. I hit my groove with this cleverly penned tale – it was as snarky and amusing as it was tautly edgy and intriguing. I gleefully inhaled this book in an afternoon; it was a fun read although there were deathly serious issues at hand. The characters were uniquely compelling and tickled my curiosity while the storylines kept me itchy for more. A battered wife on the run takes an odd job from the want ads and after sitting in a filthy office for a week by herself realizes she has been employed by an enigmatic assassin who is full-on about “the rules” and instructs her not to ask questions as, “It’s considered rude in our line of work.” I adored this witty and humorous missive and can’t wait for the next installment.

Obviously, M.O. Mack is a cover. Don’t bother looking for the author’s true identity. He/she must remain secret due to the sensitive information written in his/her stories…

Okay, most of all that is total rubbish! M.O. is a full-time author from the great state of Arizona, who loves making stuff up and hates a slow story. The faster the better! Most days, M.O. tries to avoid the news (too violent) so it doesn’t interfere with writing funny, but quasi-violent stories.


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