Book: Limp Dicks & Saggy Tits
Author: Tracie Podger
Genre: Romantic Comedy
My Rating:
Favorite Quotes:
I have nothing against drag queens, per se. I have everything against my husband running off with one.
It wasn’t quite the introduction to Pilates I was expecting. In fact, Pilates wasn’t quite what I was expecting full stop, and bore no resemblance to the old DVD I’d found and watched. We were shown to mats, and I was expected to contort my body into positions it hadn’t been in since I was a rampant teenager with a penchant for experimental sex positions. It was the slight leakage from a weak bladder and the pain from holding in a fart that had me pretending to remember a very important appointment and leaving the class early.
What if he was a murderer? I grabbed my phone and set three alerts to ring throughout the evening. As for layers, by the time anyone got my Tena Lady pants off, my tights, my body sculpture corset thingy that was supposed to give me back the shape I had twenty years ago according to the saleswoman, they would be too exhausted to do anything awful! Yes, I was safe from being attacked, I decided, I just had to make sure not to be murdered.
Manuel—and I didn’t for one minute believe that to be his name—flounced from the washroom. “What a big prick,” I said, picking another sheet from the basket. “I saw him naked once—you’d never use those words where he was concerned.” Maggie waggled her pinkie at me.
“I diagnose a serious case of notenoughsexsyndrome,” I said. “Oh, no. Is there a cure?” he asked dramatically…
My Review:
I gleefully giggled-snorted my way through this cleverly amusing yet thoughtfully insightful tale of Lizzie, a newly divorced fifty-year-old woman who was determined to set a new course for herself. Her husband had left her for an over six-foot-tall former sailor/drag queen; man – that had to burn white-hot with humiliation! The engaging storylines sparkled with riotous levity and were cunningly paced and deftly constructed, while each oddly endearing character was nimbly nuanced and wittily described.
The irreverent title was derived from the descriptive nicknames given to a pair of octogenarian nudists that Lizzie happened across while they were attending an artists’ retreat on the same property she was visiting. Just one of many animated and comedic encounters Lizzie experienced while settling into her new status of being a single mature woman with a capricious bladder and fair amount of sass as well as an exceedingly odd neighbor and new attractive male friend of indefinable and frequently shifting status.
I feasted on each lively and rib-tickling twist and delightfully humorous turn and smirked and snickered at Ms. Podger’s cheeky humor. I also picked up a new addition to my Brit Word List with boss-eyed – which is British slang for having either one eye or misaligned eyes.

Meet the Author

Hahaha what a title. Fantastic review, I knew you would enjoy the book. Glad the author could entertain you so well
That title definitely make me chuckle. I’m glad you enjoyed the story.
Gemma @ Gemma’s Book Nook
This book looks absolutely hilarious! I giggled right away when I saw the title 🙂
Giggle snorting your way through a book sounds like such fun and that title is hilarious. Great review.
This title is cracking me up. I think I would check if there is an audiobook for this. lol
lol Amazing review my friend! What a great title for this book it really looks and sounds like a very funny and awesome book. I am really glad and happy you really enjoyed this book DJ, thank you so much for sharing your awesome post DJ.
Oh my! This looks hilarious!
That title!!!! HAHAHAHA