Book Review: Deception by C.A. Harms


by C.A. Harms



Deception: The act of deceiving someone.

That became a pattern in my life. It was the way the chips fell. I’m destined to be that girl that fell for the wrong guy. If he was a liar and a cheat, I found him or he found me. It didn’t really matter how it happened, it just always did.

But when I met Jake, I thought he was different. He was just a guy trying to get by, much like me in a sense. He was happy with the little things in life…he made me feel safe and settled.

That was until I found out that his name, his life, and the man he pretended to be, were nothing but a fraud. He used me to get the answers he needed, and in the process, he managed to take my last ounce of hope and crush it.

I just wanted him gone. I wanted to forget the times we shared, the laughs we had. I wanted to ignore the fact that he’d so easily found a place in my heart.

Only there was one problem… I wasn’t allowed to forget.

I am reminded daily of him. Each morning, I have no choice but to look into the same, beautiful eyes he possessed. I see his smile, and that same shade of dark melted chocolate hair that at one point, I loved running my fingers through.

Every single day I reminded of the fact that the father of my child is nothing more than a man that truly never existed.


My Rating:

Favorite Quote:

 I would have waited a lifetime to hear those words, but I’m glad I didn’t have to.

My Review:

While I haven’t read her entire body of work, of those books that I have read I have concluded that C.A. Harms excels in writing highly engaging and poignant NA romances with generous helpings of angst, scorching sensual steam, and irreverent and highly amusing humor. This observation continues forward although her current book was considerably lighter on the humor and heavier on the angst than her more recent offerings. While I often feel exasperated with an over-serving of angst and conflict, I adored Deception anyway, although I seem to be pouting some over her neglect of my appetite for comedic balance; I’m sure she will make it up to me in the near future.

 About The Author 

I am an Illinois girl, born and raised. Simple and true. I love the little things; they truly mean the most. I may have a slight addiction to my new Keurig—oh my, that thing is a godsend. And so fast too. I have two children who truly are the greatest part of my days, and their faces never fail to put a smile on my face. I have been married to my best friend for seventeen years and looking forward to many more.

I am one of those authors that adore my readers. I love to hear from you. After all, it is because of each one of you that I continue to write.


10 Replies to “Book Review: Deception by C.A. Harms”

  1. I like humor in my books too. Nowadays I find it quite lacking. Most fill it with erotica ..
    Great review… As usual…
    Not reading romance till romance finds me in real life 😂😂

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