Tied Down
by Chelle Bliss & Eden Butler
Tied Down is the second full-length book in the Nailed Down series – and can be read as a standalone.
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Cara Carelli is a silver-tongued mafia princess, master manipulator, and the only woman I’ve ever loved. But she’s also smokin’ hot and my ex-wife.
My Rating:
Favorite Quotes:
Cara was the best actress I knew. She lied like a gambler with nothing in his hand and a million-dollar pot in front of him.
He took a step, and the woman walked backward, looking at Dale on the bed, then around to the rest of us as though we might help. “It’s time for you to find some other dick to jump on. Your gravy train ended a long time ago.”
As women, it’s a struggle, most times, to find the perfect man. Let’s be honest, they don’t exist. And so, we’re left with marble men and putty men. Depending on what you want, you have to decide which ones you’re willing to tolerate.
My Review:
I am loving the combined effort of the dynamic duo of Eden Butler and Chelle Bliss pooling their massive talents. The writing was tip-top and seamless, the only rankle I had was in the far from admirable character of Cara, I deemed her antics to be several levels beyond despicable and unpardonable, but lucky for her, Kiel was more forgiving. The storylines were engaging and entertaining with occasional hot licks of incendiary sensuality – oh, my. I have read both books in this series and am more than eager for the next installment and hope it comes soon before I forget all the shiny little tidbits I have gleaned from this book.

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Meet the Authors
USA Today bestselling author Chelle Bliss currently lives in a small town near the Gulf of Mexico. She’s a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, and coffee fiend. She’s written over ten books and has two series available. She loves spending her free time with her boyfriend, 2 cats, and her hamster.
Eden Butler

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I really love how you include all this information about the books you review, its nice to get some background 🙂
Nice review! Sounds like a good book.
My TBR hates you, but I love you 🙂
I don’t know if this is is something I would read, but the shirtlessness is amazing!
Added this one to my TBR because I’ve already ordered 5 Kindle books and have 3 coming in the mail. Better wait 🙂 But it sounds fantastic and I loved your review!
You have a knack of choosing books that I would really enjoy and this one is no exception. Fab review.
This sounds really good, going to put it in my to read list! X
Lovely review DJ! I can see how one character could hurt the rating of the book.
Great review. Love the cover!!