That Girl
Kate Kerrigan
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You can escape a place. But you can’t escape yourself.
Hanna flees the scene of a terrible crime in her native Sligo. If she can just vanish, re-invent herself under a new name, perhaps the police won’t catch up with her. London seems the perfect place to disappear.
Lara has always loved Matthew and imagined happy married life in Dublin. Then comes the bombshell – Matthew says he wants to join the priesthood. Humiliated and broken-hearted, Lara heads to the most godless place she can find, King’s Road, Chelsea.
Matthew’s twin sister, Noreen, could not be more different from her brother. She does love fiancé John, but she also craves sex, parties, and fun. Swinging London has it all, but without John, Noreen is about to get way out of her depth.
All three girls find themselves working for Bobby Chevron – one of London’s most feared gangland bosses – and it’s not long before their new lives start to unravel.
My Rating:
Favorite Quotes:
Unlike Italy , with its Popes and volcanos and sunshine and pasta, Ireland had nothing of note. Just nuns, rain and potatoes. It was an unremarkable place to anyone but the Irish themselves. In fact, mostly to them as well.
… as if a piece of him had gone missing in her presence. He was afraid that if he gave her what she wanted, then she would leave the room and, if she did that, he might never get it back.
You could catch up on a month’s gossip in Lyons’s in less than an hour if you knew who to sit next to.
Business took precedence over pleasure, always. The dead don’t book in and they don’t bury themselves, her father used to say.
He instinctively understood things about her that he knew were true… Without her saying a word, he could see in her beautiful eyes that she was carrying something that did not belong to her. It was a lifetime in a moment; this was the world standing still.
Sure all them miniskirts around here would turn a blind man horny!
My Review:
Visiting Ireland remains on my Bucket List, I’m sure I have distant ancestral roots of some sort and would just love to see the Old Sod, although these three Irish gals didn’t seem to be enjoying their life there in the turbulent 60’s and fled for “Swinging London.” Although, each of the three had fled for a different reason. Hanna was running from the brutality of her life, Lara was striving toward a different future, and Noreen was desperately seeking adventure. From the cover, you might be expecting a breezy and light-hearted book, well, think again. The well-crafted and engaging storylines were packed with drama, quirky gangsters, betrayal, suspense, angst, tension, heartache, aspirations, anxiety, intrigue, and excellent writing. The 60’s and 70’s were a period of profound and explosive social change worldwide, which was as confusing as it was exciting. I came of age a decade after these gals, but could easily identify with the issues.
I quickly slipped into the story and only fell deeper with the addition of each new character. The writing was emotive, observant, and descriptive enough to place me within each scene; I could hear the music, smell the food, feel the tension, and recognize the entire peculiar cast of characters by sight. It was hard to put my Kindle down and even though I had not lived their experiences, I could fully relate and empathize with each of the female characters as well as a few of the men. But I tilted the most toward the couple of Lara and Coleman. Poor Lara, when the love of your life informs you he has decided to be a priest because, “I suppose I love God more than I love you.” Ouch. I would have hightailed it out faster than Lara had, although I would have torn a pound of flesh off of the weasel first. The suspense and tension were maintained beginning to end and oh, how I reveled at the sweet and well-deserved endings for each one. As if reading a superbly written book wasn’t pleasure enough, I have new additions to my British Isles Vocabulary List, which I’ve realized I needed to rename from My Brit Word List due to the inclusion of Scottish and Irish colloquialisms. My new collection includes, “clobber” which the Urban Dictionary defined as new clothes or personal items; and “face like a spanner” which means ugly. It’s always a red-letter day when I can boast of expanding my verbosity.

Based on the cover i didn’t think it’s something i’d want to read. But I think i was wrong 😀 Sounds cool actually!
I feel like I had that shirt in HS and now I miss it. 😉
This is from my time too, so I would like to read it and see how much I can relate and remember.
Your review makes a compulsive statement. I will check this out
I never heard about this book until now, and it looks and sounds very intriguing. I am very curious too check it out, even though I don’t think is my kind of read. Thank you so much for sharing.
Great review! I laughed at the quote- Unlike Italy , with its Popes and volcanos and sunshine and pasta, Ireland had nothing of note. Just nuns, rain and potatoes. hahah loved that 🙂
It’s always weird to read books with names you know in it and Noreen is my mother-in-law. I think it’d be funny to watch her go on an adventure in a book 🙂
And Noreen was quite the handful 😉